College Admissions

I have a 3.59 UC/uw gpa and a 3.93 w gpa. I go to a fairly competitive high school, however, I have taken 5 AP/honors classes and didn’t slack off, yet I earned B’s in most of them. I believe that in my senior year, I can earn all As and since my school is on a semester system, grades would affect my gpa/grade trend before I send in my UC application (midterm grades are due at the end of October). I am aware that UC schools only take sophomore and junior year into consideration when calculating gpa. I have many long term extra curriculars, some leadership positions, and the ability to write strong personality insight answers. Would UC schools use improved senior year grades to understand my potential as a student/my determination? I am hoping to get into UCLA/UCB (reach/preferred) or UCD/UCI (more realistic)

UC’s do not consider Senior grades for admission decisions unless you are sent a supplemental and they want your Senior Mid-year grades submitted.

GPA is only one part of your application (although a large part). What are your test scores? If you write outstanding essays and your EC’s show leadership, then they could boost your chances.

Freshman admit rates (2016) for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 14%

UCLA: 14%

UCSD: 44%

UCSB: 54%

UCD: 58%

UCI: 65%

UCSC: 85%

UCR: 94%

UCM: 96%

My advice is apply widely to many of the UC’s, have a few safety schools on your list and you should have a few options next spring.

Best of luck.

Thank you! I read in several other posts and articles online that UC schools still care about senior grades, although I guess that don’t use them for admissions. I have only taken the SAT but since I am retaking it soon, I am predicting a score of about 1400-1420/1600

UC’s admit you under a provisional admission contract meaning you need to maintain your GPA and Senior grades or chance being rescinded. 10-11th grades will get you into a UC, but 12th grades will keep you in that UC.

I have a quick question since I got accepted as a undeclared major with it stating that I only need to have a weighted 3.0 gpa doesn’t specify d’s or f’s and I currently have a D in my AP physics 2 class soon to be a c and had a d inthis class first semester what are the chances I will be revoked.I have a overall weighted GPA of over a 3.2 In the second semester the grade became a C.Also message UCI throught the portal about it

@Dandaivin: See my response on your other thread but this is UCI’s provisional admission contract information::::


  1. You must:

Meet all provisional requirements as expressed in this contract, and in your personalized Freshman Conditions as found in your MyAdmission account at
Receive a high school diploma or equivalency.
Complete all senior year courses as listed on your application.
Maintain at least a weighted 3.0 senior year GPA in UC-approved courses.

The following situations may result in the withdrawal of your admission offer:
a) any D or F grades in your senior year a-g courses,
b) taking courses that are less rigorous than reported on your application,
c) not maintaining UC Eligibility.

with a 3.93, 1400, decent EC and a competent application - UCR, UCM are very likely to accept you into most of their programs. UCSC probably will for many of them. The others… probably not - though some majors could work out at the mid tier UCs. Compelling essays and other factors (like first gen) could get you into any campus - so apply broadly and see what happens.
SDSU would be a good safety target.

@dandgaivin every case is individually evaluated but, it never pays to have them find this when they pull your transcripts so, contact UCI today and see how they want to proceed.