College after military?

<p>Hello i am a arizona sophomore high school student and my dream college is the university of Arizona but before i go to college i would like to serve my country. but will that hurt my chances to get in to UofA. here are my stats</p>

<p>GPA UW: 3.05 (I will get it up to at least a 3.35 by the end of high school)
GPA W: 3.22(around 3.65 by the end of high school)
SAT; I have not taken it yet but I have been studying and I hope to get a 1800+</p>

<p>Junior year classes
Ap Chem
Duel enrollment spanish
Duel enrollment lit.
Duel enrollment psychology
Algabra 3-4
EC’s- track
national spanish honors socitey
Chem club
Also i will have taken 4 years of spanish by the end of my high school career so I will most likely be fluent.</p>

<p>Volenteer work- around 150+ hours by the end of high school.</p>

<p>So what I am asking is what are my chances stright out of high school and straight out of the military.
I wrote this fast so sorry for all the mistakes.
Thank you.
PS. i will have 48 -60 college credits by the end of high shool if that helps at all.</p>

<p>You should definitely get into the University of Arizona. There is a transitional VETS program that the University of Arizona offers to encourage military members to receive an education. You might want to consider doing the University of Arizona’s ROTC program and have the military pay for your education. </p>

<p>Because you are an Arizona resident, if you graduate from an accredited high school in the top 25% of your class then you will get automatic admission.</p>