Just found out today that Collegeboard has not sent my score reports to Northwestern University (Early Decision) and Purdue University, and were not planning to until December, way after my subject test scores were due.
Collegeboard is not letting me check off the Subject Test scores so I’m stuck here. What do I do? I don’t want to get rejected cause my Score Reports never got there.
Call the admissions offices, let them know about the delay, and ask them to make a notation in the file that you called to advise that College Board has not yet sent the scores despite your request for them to do so. My experience is that the admissions office representatives will be quite understanding; they may also have some helpful suggestions.
There is nothing anyone on this board can do to get the scores in for you. Keep trying on the internet to send the scores and if that does not work try to call. And as suggested above, contact the admissions departments at Northwestern and Purdue.