College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

Yes, I can sense you are irritated, and I get it.:confused: It has been a very long process and we are still not at the end of the road. However the email you attached is not the right email. He probably received that email 2-4 times, inviting him and then reminding him of the celebrations. They we’re not mandatory because they understood not everybody could travel to one of the 4 cities. Before he received the first invite to the celebration, he should have received an email declaring he was a 2022 HSF Scholar. In that email it would have said he was either waitlisted for a scholarship or that he would received between $500 and $5000. If the former, then yes at this point it is $0, but based on the last several years, a bunch of waitlisted people receive scholarship notifications in December, so there is still hope. If the latter, than he should be receiving between $500 and $5000 and we haven’t been told those results yet. So we are still in a waiting game for another couple months… :expressionless:

The letter for notification should look something like this - this is the waitlist variation. The non waitlist variation is almost identical, just take out the sentence about being waitlisted - it says something like you have been selected to receive a scholarship between $500-$5000.