College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

The College Board web site does not specify any qualifications beyond test scores, HS GPA, and race/ethnicity and/or rural/small-town residence.

It also says that you can contact the College Board for any additional questions.

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The only clue I see is that you are notified whether you received it in the “fall.” I guess we will find out soon, since the new batch of eligible students would have submitted in April/May. My son had a significantly higher score than the cut off, but barely made it on unweighted grades (although he does have a 4.2 weighted GPA). If he gets it, I think we can assume it is just straight meeting the minimum requirements. He said there was nothing to fill out except basic biographical data and sending a transcript.


It says on the site that it will be announced Aug 31.

Just curious where on the site they say August 31st? I cant find anything that specific. Thanks for the heads up and your help.

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If you find the original invitation email and click the link that your child used to apply and login it has more info and there it says august 31.

Found it. Thanks so much, it’s nice to have a specific date!


I think anyone who meets the qualifications gets the award. But then it is up to the colleges as far as Merit aid. Some colleges have a guaranteed scholarship (Alabama), others are competitive - so it gives you an edge, but they don’t give award to all the recipients, just the top ones who got that award!

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Does anyone know (from prior years or inside info) how the ‘announcement’ date listed on the application page works? Will they issue individual emails or letters, or is that done through the schools, or some other way?

@joelatte - They have made changes to the program this year, so I don’t know if it will be the same process. Last year, my daughter received an email on 9/4/2020 congratulating her on being accepted for the program. A letter and certificate are also mailed to the counselor of the school.

We homeschool, so I had to pick up the letter/certificate at the high school where she took the PSAT exam.

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@kwhdman thank you for this info.

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I contacted their Customer Service and was told to expect an email on August 31. A certificate will also be sent to the school.


I did as well and got the same answer

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Today is the day. No email yet.


No email yet here either.

Still waiting for the email too.

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The College Board National Recognition website states that the announcement will be sent at 5pm PT, and will come from


Where do you see this this on the College Board National Recognition website? I have been looking all over for information and I cant even find the date August 31st listed on it. (I know if you log in, you will see the August 31st date, but not time). Thanks!

My daughter sent me a screen shot (b/c she was tired of me bugging her). I think it was through the link that they sent to the students originally when they were invited to apply. I can’t see the web address, or I would share it.

I found where it says the email will be sent at 5pm! is here:


I know this is an old post, and I havent done much research yet, but with NHRP you can qualify for a 4 year, $25,000 (per year) Presidential Scholarship at Boston University.