College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

Anyone get emails?

Not yet

Nothing yet :frowning:

no email yet

No email yet

I’m so irritated with all of this - no email yet

If it is anything like the SAT they go in waves anyway


I think they know we are waiting and just want to create drama lol


fr I can see the dude from collegeboard sitting at his desk watching us type lol


Does anyone know if they send an email even if you don’t get it?

It’s probably good my daughter is at work right now. I’d be driving her crazy asking her to refresh her email.

On another note, I saw on another thread that UKY doesn’t have full tuition scholarships for merit Scholars anymore (I believe it was the Patterson scholarship). I couldn’t find anything on the website either :confused: can anyone confirm?

Checking other sites and no one seems to have gotten the email yet. Why are they toying with our emotions?!? LOL!

Almost 20 minutes past 8 and still nothing yet.

Yep, my daughter and I are just sitting here, periodically checking. She said if it’s like SAT, it was about midday for her to get her scores, she may not get email til midnight. Aaaaarrggghhh!

I’d rather them give a later deadline and send out responses on time/earlier than make us wait in distress. Does anyone know what happens if you don’t get it? Do you still get an email but with a “rejection” instead?


Nada :expressionless:

Soooo annoying.

We don’t know: that’s the million dollar question

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You would think that 4.5 months after they sent out invitations, would be more than enough time for them to email notifications. So annoying.