College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

No email yet here.

Nothing here

nothing for us yet

The same thing happened to me! I applied for hispanic but got rural???

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what a mess!

We were expecting two and received one, which was at 12:06 am (CDT). Good to see, I guess, that we weren’t the only ones in this situation. And its also helpful to know that for those who received two, they came separately.

For those who were surprised to receive Rural and Small Town, you might check to see if your kid’s school is on this list. If it is, then it’s automatic if they otherwise qualify. There wasn’t any requirement (at least that I’m aware of) that they self-designate as Rural or Small Town.

has anybody received Hispanic notification yet?? Still nothing

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nothing here

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Missing that one

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We got the Hispanic one around 1 AM this morning. Is a very nice email and then the certificate in pdf is attached. Good luck! just be patient you’ll get it!



We got ours for Hispanic recognition around 1 am.

nothing here yet

Do we think the release of notifications is alphabetical or regional? I’m trying not to annoy my daughter while she’s at school. lol

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I know for SAT they come in waves -and some people took longer than others

My son is new england, and last name starts with A…nothing yet.

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We are in NC and last name starts with M. Got the African American last night. Waiting on the Hispanic notification

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OH MY. just looked at that list. crazy. i live in a metro area of 700K. there’s a very private elite boarding school about 3 miles from the town border; highest ACTs in the state. it’s on the list. none of the kids are from rural areas! wow. Another large wealthy hs of 2000 students is on the other side of the city limits, but surrounded by large houses, subdivisions, and has access to all city amenities. It’s on the list, the urban school from that same district about 3 miles away isnt. OH MY. those kids are lucky because in no sense are they rural! i grew up rural, i know what that means!


Where can we get access to the school list?