College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

Did you submit transcripts from your homeschool? I wouldn’t panic yet bc we were the same except my son goes to public school.

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I noticed several High schools in that list are really part of a big metro area such as Los Angeles and San Diego.

Yes. I submitted signed, official homeschool transcripts. I was very meticulous. Now I’m worried.

Received the Hispanic Recognition this morning at 10 PST.

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@Rosen85 asked about that list. the link to the pdf is listed in post 306 from franknd ; hope that helps

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that’s sort of crazy. I wonder how this will shake out!

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I don’t know about this analysis. The colleges I have seen in which colleges tie the Recognition Program to scholarships don’t do an “analysis”; it’s automatic. And I can’t say what any given student would do, but their counselor would be acting against their interest, and far outside his scope, in attempting to “not allow it.” If there’s a problem, it isn’t with the student or the school; it’s with the College Board’s determination process. That’s not the student’s or the high school’s problem.


I emailed back and forth with University of Arizona Honors this morning for clarification. Bottom line is that any/all CBRP designations will result in automatic admission to their Honors College. He said that they are “updating” their web site to state this. (At present it seems to suggest that only Hispanic scholars get the automatic admission.)

I also asked him whether the same analysis applies to U of A’s National Scholar scholarship package, and he did not answer. I assume it will once their scholarship “terms and conditions” are updated for 2022-23, but that remains to be seen. (In past years, as with the Honors College, it expressly only mentioned NM and Hispanic scholars.)


My son’s award email arrived at last, 5:58pm CST.


Yes the university of Arizona is a Hispanic serving institution Hispanic Serving Institution | Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) Initiatives

Thank you - yes was able to find it.

It is absolutely crazy! I understand that they maybe technically small towns, but they are no different than the suburbs right next to them. Some are absolutely upscale and privileged too, just look Laguna Beach and Redondo Beach up in California for example. The median cost of a home in Laguna Beach is north of $2,000,000, while that of Redondo Beach is just north of $1,000,000.

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I was worried too since we are homeschoolers and I was paranoid I did something wrong - I see you got it also! So glad!

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Received my Hispanic email today at 5:49 PM CT!


yes-hispanic one arrived at 1 AM.

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Look at TX A & M if wanting engineering school - My son received $14k for Natl Hispanic Merit Program he graduated in 2020 so it may have changed.

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TAMU is giving $6k/year for in-state and then $4k/yr + waiver of OOS for out of state. For four years per their website. It’s gone up. See details here:

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Are you out of state or in state? is that $14K total or yearly?

Thanks a lot. Probably Ivy League colleges don’t care about this award as all who apply there probably have it?

My DS22 received his Hispanic recognition email yesterday!