College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

Yes. Ivy League colleges don’t offer merit scholarships. Only financial need based. They are pretty generous with how they define need. But we did Harvard’s calculator and it said our cost would be $76,000 a year. :grimacing:

Any idea if the ASU scholarship is automatic or competitive? At A&M it says specifically that it is “guaranteed”. Wondering about ASU’s.

It is automatic.


Some info I received from ASU recruiter yesterday that might be helpful:


As @bachstra wrote it is automatic (although one cannot predict if it will remain the case forever even if it has been automatic for years).

I think that your plan to apply to Texas A&M, Arizona and ASU is sound. You can eventually review the offers and decide what makes the most sense (factoring price after discount and admission to Honors College).


Does anyone know about any other colleges in Texas. My son wants to stay in Texas but prefers not Texas A&M.

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Found this on the web; check page # 6 for Texas schools. It’s from 2017 but a good starting point.

May I ask why your son doesn’t want Texas A&M? We are in FL, so not that familiar with Texas schools.

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My son is at BU, He was NHRP. He got 45k a year. They just called it different stuff. Bu did a great job with his package. Northeastern only did about half that.


This is pretty awesome, I have spent parts of the last several days assembling a new list I was going to post. I will check this out. One thing I will say, without more than glancing at this list yet and seeing the date, I have come across several schools already that offered full tuition 1-3 years ago and now offer nothing or as little as $1000. (Looking at you Alabama) So just be aware. But this gives me more schools to check. Thanks!

You are very welcome! Regarding Alabama, from what I am reading, full tuition (4 years) + 1st year housing is covered, on top of a $1K/year stipend.


Thanks! I have that copied in my file but i couldn’t find it again. When I check Alabama Birmingham I get $2500 and Huntsville- nothing

For Alabama Huntsville, can’t find any scholarship targeted for Hispanic recognition specifically, however their scholarships for merit by test scores & GPA are worth considering.

I think that it is likely that Birmingham and Huntsville would give something if Tuscaloosa does as Tuscaloosa is better ranked (even if not clearly advertised): 2021 Best National Universities | US News Rankings

Adding links to scholarships at New Mexico and Nebraska-Lincoln which were known for offering NHRP scholarships in the past:

New Mexico “National Hispanic Scholars” Scholarships | The University of New Mexico ( which I believe can be stacked with an out-of-state tuition waiver even if not very well stated (provided 3.0 GPA or a test score of 20 ACT or 1030 SAT) Cost of Attendance :: Office of Admissions | The University of New Mexico (

Nebraska-Lincoln “Chancellor’s Tuition Scholarship” (also requires ACT score superior or equal to 28 or SAT equivalent) Cost & Aid | Undergraduate Office of Admissions | University of Nebraska–Lincoln (


Texas Tech offers merit scholarships based on test scores and high school ranking: Incoming Freshmen Scholarships | Scholarships | TTU

but it is ranked significantly below Texas A&M. See 2021 Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs (Doctorate) | US News Rankings

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Alabama has not updated their website for Fall 2022. Two different people at the scholarship office and an admissions counselor told us that the scholarship offer should be the same for next year. They told me that they just had not updated the website yet. It seemed like I was the one who called to let them know it was not updated. Have you heard any different?

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I wonder if the U of A GPA based scholarship is weighted or unweighted GPA. My daughter’s weighed GPA is 3.9 but her unweighted GPA is only 3.5 because her school uses a 100 point scale where a 100 in a class gets calculated as a 4.0 but a 95 for example is calculated as a 3.5, 90 = 3.0 and so on. When I was in school if you got a 90-100 it was an “A” and calculated as 4.0.

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University of Arizona uses “6th semester core unweighted high school GPA” for scholarship purpose.

See 2022-2023 Incoming First-Year and Transfer Tuition Scholarship Awards | Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid ( and High School Competency Requirements | University of Arizona Admissions


Adding link to University of South Carolina

University of South Carolina “Provost Scholars Award” (Up to $6,000 + out-of-state tuition waiver) Scholarships for Nonresidents - Financial Aid and Scholarships | University of South Carolina

The $6000 is apparently not guaranteed but the university is known to be generous to attract top students.


Yes, your family income relatively high. When i tried Harvard calculation I still have to pay 12000 and I an alone. Expensive but manageable.