College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

An employee of ASU?

Realize that ASU and University of Arizona have handled NHRP very differently in the past. ASU has offered the New American University - National Scholars scholarship which was an incredible deal for years. University of Arizona has only offered a “bonus” on top of the matrix-based scholarship.

I would even say that traditionally, ASU has emphasized standardized test scores (SAT/ACT) while University of Arizona has emphasized GPA.

That said, I sadly cannot predict the future…


@TxBioMedDat is totally GPA for 15 or 16 (I forget) core courses. They have a system in place. UofA sat down with us and we examined all the classes they used to calculate that GPA. Easy in your case since all are A’s. Nice work dad. But for kids that have B’s and have taken more than required they get to choose which ones to use. So per my other post. ASU will be doing something similar it seems.

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@NJEngineerDad I can’t predict the future either. But we do know ASU has not officially posted how they will award money to Hispanic Scholars other than the New American and then the New American does not say officially how they are doing it either. We all can agree on that. So the past is a good prediction for the future and many people here including myself were super excited for ASU. Unfortunately I found information that would help all of us in here. Do not count on a full ride at ASU for being Hispanic scholar unless you also have a 4.0.

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Yes, University of Arizona uses 6th semester core unweighted high school GPA as explained at High School Competency Requirements | University of Arizona Admissions

Your daughter received a letter this year? My daughter was accepted to ASU but has not received an email or letter or anything about NHRP scholarship.

Also she applied to barrett on 10/3 and it hasn’t been moved to review yet in the barrett application status. I can’t copy it exactly but it has green check marks by everything up to and including application completed but not application moved to review.
Barrett Application Status

Their website says: Beginning in early October, National Merit Semi-Finalists, National Merit Finalists, and College Board National Recognition Program recipients will be given an expedited review of their Barrett application, receiving a decision within approximately three weeks of their application being complete.

Well ASU might update their website within the next few days, but as of right now there is no change:

“College Board National Recognition Program recipients who are admitted to ASU will receive the New American University Scholar – National Scholar award.”

National Scholar | Barrett, The Honors College (

“Minimum GPA: Not applicable”

New American University Scholarship – National Scholars | ASU Scholarships

The second and third paragraph from that link are verbatim what was said in the email from ASU to my daughter on September 1st, not the later email from Barrett, Honors College. I think the first paragraph was different - personalized towards her and congratulating her - then it had those two exact paragraphs.

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Are you in state?

No, the letter was from UofA. She has not applied to ASU yet

Ok. Thank you. That makes more sense. I was worried for a minute.

@NJEngineerDad is all in the details. Hispanic Scholars admitted get automatic Barrett admission and the stipend of a couple of K’s towards travel etc. That line will not change. Its not GPA based so no need to edit that part either. The second part about the New American Scholarship, sure no need to change that either. But what does that mean? I think it just means you get money for GPA.


So this was from U of A , not ASU? My daughter didn’t receive an email like this from ASU but she hadn’t applied by 9/1. She didn’t apply to ASU until like 9/7 and she was accepted a couple weeks later. We are out of state. I wonder if that email was sent to those who had already applied or who are in state maybe?

That would be new. That was not the case before at ASU.

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Like @martinezcs I am confused by this statement. What letter are you referring to?

No, this one was from ASU. But this was just an email congratulating her on being a National Hispanic Scholar and then it had the 2 paragraphs identical to the 2 paragraphs on the Barrett page, essentially letting her know that if he applied and was accepted she would receive this scholarship.

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Sorry for the confusion- I referred to an actual award letter up above from University of Arizona, where my daughter as already applied and been accepted, stating name of scholarship and amount. I also referred to an email in a separate post from ASU stating that as a National Hispanic Scholar she, if accepted, would receiver the New American University Scholar - National Scholars Award. But she has not applied to ASU yet. (BTW, @martinezcs OOS)


Gotcha. Hmmm… my daughter didn’t get that email. Maybe I should make sure they have her on their list as an NHRP scholar. She was accepted. Barrett application pending. But she hasn’t received anything mentionning anything about NHRP. Has anyone else?

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You should probably indeed check that they have your daughter as a NHRP.

Back when my son was in High School, we received a paper letter from ASU in late October with a content similar to what @AnonDad2026 reported receiving by email this year.

Btw, why not? :wink:

Ok. I just shot off an email to the Barrett contact person and the admissions officer. Thank you!

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