College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

We considered UofA too. Their new honors village looks nice. Looks like they have improved their honors program significantly in the past couple years. But we have a lot of family in Tempe area. I think my daughter would feel pretty isolated in Tucson. So we are sticking with ASU if she goes to Arizona for college. Fortunately my daughter has a 4.0 so she should be fine however this shakes out with the GPA requirement.


ASU updated their scholar experience page with virtual information sessions available to register for about Barrett honors college.

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So maybe I am imagining the earlier email - but positive she got an email from Barrett earlier this week congratulating her for being named a national scholar (I made her forward that one to me). She received another today inviting her to attend the ASU Scholars Experience and it mentions that Barrett welcomes 150 National Merit College Board National Recognition Program awardees each year.

To answer @NJEngineerDad - I could tell between everything she was starting to get overwhelmed. So I made her choose two rolling admission schools to apply to with strong NHRP scholarship potential, just to get some easier to complete applications out the door (i.e. - applications without 3-5 essays) to give her a little sense of relief of submitting her first application. Chose U of A as one of them because of particular degree possibilities there. Had no idea she would hear back from both so quickly or get scholarship offers at same time. That was a bonus shot of good feeling for her. Since then she has managed to get a bunch more apps out -mostly not rolling. After she gets her one EA app out the door she can finish off her list, including at least one more school with good merit awards for NHRP. Right now I think ASU and UofSC are the top 2 contenders.


Will be interesting to see where things net out regarding ASU… the thought has crossed my mind that with College Board changing the National Recognition criteria this year (adding CBNR categories beyond Hispanic + making it where 10% were able to apply for consideration, vs previously top 2.5% I think), a school like ASU could be overwhelmed with candidates meeting the criteria. So it would NOT be a big surprise if they add some kind of GPA component to the formula for this year. (And that could also explain why it is taking forever to update their scholarship estimator. Because new coding logic would be required vs last few years). Just thinking out loud / speculating. Which of course can be dangerous.

PS to @NJEngineerDad my daughter has been gettin the same exact ‘congrats on being a national scholar’ notes. So if there IS a new GPA component, it seems it would apply to NFM as well. Given that term at ASU is applied to both.

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Thanks for checking. My daughter has received a lot of congrats on being a CBNHRP scholar from other colleges but nothing from ASU. I emailed the admissions officer and the barrett rep to check so hopefully will hear something back soon from either or both.

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Ugh. I just received this email from the admissions officer:

"We do have you listed as a National Hispanic Scholar as we did receive notification from CollegeBoard. We have not started awarding merit-based scholarships for Fall 2022 students yet. This process should start in the next few weeks.

I do want to inform you that we no longer offer the National Scholar Award for out of state students. You will receive a merit-based scholarship determined by your GPA and official ACT/SAT scores (if you submitted them). You will still receive priority consideration for admission to Barrett the Honors College if you plan to apply."

So I guess the merit based scholarship will be based on GPA and SAT score. She has a 4.0 in her core courses. So as long as they follow the UofA formula she should still get the full tuition scholarship. But this isn’t good news for others. And we don’t know for sure yet what their GPA/SAT scholarship is going to be for out of state students. They haven’t published it yet. If it’s not full tuition, my daughter will probably go to A&M. If anyone sees the scholarship estimator page get updated, let us all know!


Interesting. I think College Board may have killed the golden goose of CBNR related scholarships for some with their dramatic expansion of the program. Lets see how it turns out for each of our students. Thanks for sharing this info.


Does anyone have any info on scholarships at Penn State? My son got an email today but doesnt say much.
“ As a National Recognition Program student, there may be significant scholarship opportunities available to you. Applying for admission to Penn State is your first step toward eligibility for the programs we have to offer, such as the Bunton-Waller Fellowship, the Millennium Scholars Program, and Schreyer Honors College.”


Very bad news for all the NHRP out-of-state students that don’t have top stats then. I feel terrible.

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Penn State did not use to have any specific scholarship for NHRP/CBNRP recipients. I suspect that the “there may be” is an indication that there is still nothing specific for NHRP/CBNRP recipients.

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So, University of Kentucky is out of the NHRP game: College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022 - Specialty College Admissions Topics / Hispanic Students - College Confidential Forums

And now ASU is apparently getting out too, at least for OOS students

@franknd is clairvoyant! College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022 - Specialty College Admissions Topics / Hispanic Students - College Confidential Forums

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Are we absolutely certain about this? The Barrett site still lists the old information.

No. There is still hope until the scholarship estimator is updated (and it should not affect Arizona residents anyway).

But prepare a plan B just in case…

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Yes, it is required to get the $38,000 award.

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Alabama, thankfully, has not changed their scholarship, which is the most generous of all that I’m aware of. Full OOS tuition + 1k add’l scholarship + first-year room charge.

Then, for a 4.0, I have Arizona in a clear second.

A&M (in-state CBNRP) and the old ASU deal (TBD going forward) are neck-and-neck for third, neither of which until now has been GPA dependent.


National Scholar info has been changed on website:




Minimum GPA:

Not applicable




Arizona resident

Enrollment status:


Academic level:

Incoming first-year student


Downtown Phoenix




Additional criteria:

National scholars must be identified by the CollegeBoard based on PSAT performance.

(Note: Out of state merit scholarship estimator based on GPA not available yet.)

Way late to the party here. My daughter scored a 1390 on the PSAT in Jan and for some reason did not receive an email in April. At that time she was told by her HS counsellor to simply wait for confirmation in September (not self-nominate). Now it seems the opportunity has passed. We’re more than a little upset.

Has anyone heard of / had success appealing a missed invite? Perhaps if there was an initial error on the side of the CB?

You might also look into University of South Florida if you have not already. With that high GPA, the merit aid is $12k and then the NHRP is +$5k… that basically means free tuition since OOS Tuition is about $17k. Brand new $50million honors college building opens in late 2022. Ranked 103 (like UofA) in BusinessWeek.

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Sorry I have no experience with such appeal. How come your daughter took the PSAT in January and not in October?

Mississippi State - is $40k over 4 years (so $10k a year) plus non-residents likely to get tuition scholarship to cover 100% of OOS portion of tuition (per web page) which is an additional ~$15k per year. Also, since scholarships are stackable housing scholarship is possible on top of that.