College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

it doesn’t help that CB has changed the process to completely cuts the guidance counselors out of engaging with the process and awards.

While I agree that schools have not properly highlighted these opportunities, the college board has made it even worse and harder for parents to hold schools accountable by cutting them completely out of the process.

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Fully agreed. CB has prioritized quantity at the expense of quality.


ASU scholarship estimator is back online.

Presidents Scholarship now seems the best that OOS students can get. Only a bit above half-tuition although it says that award amounts listed are based on 2021 rates and that they will be updated to reflect 2022 amounts soon.

ASU First-year Student Scholarship Estimator | ASU Scholarships


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Looks like ASU will be out for my daughter unless this changes. The old scholarship estimator had our cost at $17,000 and now it is $31,000. I know UofA has a better offer but it was really the new BFA in Animation in Herberger Art Institute that was the draw for my daughter. UofA doesn’t have a comparable program. UofA has an illustration/design degree but it pales in comparison to ASU’s Animation degree and A&M’s visualization degree. It’s looking like A&M at this point for my daughter unless SMU comes through with a very generous scholarship for their art program which we won’t know till March.


I am sorry to hear that but if this does not change then it is indeed no longer the great deal that it was (especially compared to University of Arizona for a high GPA student).

Let’s hope that the amounts will increase within the next few days (as the disclaimer says they will although it is unclear how significantly).


Looking at residency requirements it looks like ASU pretty much considers the student out of state for all 4 years, correct? Well… found this online Your status will remain non-resident and any student wanting to be re-classified must initiate the process by contacting the residency office and submitting a petition by the appropriate deadline. Simply being a student at ASU for one year is not sufficient for residency purposes per ABOR policy, which reads, “No individual has established residency for tuition purposes in Arizona while attending any education institution in Arizona as a full-time student in the absence of objective evidence to the contrary.”
The independent student petition requires you to:

  • Provide proof of domicile and continuous physical presence in Arizona for 12 months
  • Provide proof of financial independence
  • Overcome the presumption that you are in Arizona primarily to be a student

OOS for four years at ASU.

University of Utah is the only exception I have heard about (OOS first year with possibility to become resident after that).


My friend’s son is at U of Oregon and has out of state for first year then gets in state tuition rate. So it got me thinking …but no dice at ASU.

Ok. Did not know it was possible at University of Oregon.

So in reality, there is only a $500 difference between the National Scholar Award and the President’s Award (i ran both) - but that in state vs out of state tuition makes all the difference in the world. I haven’t looked at the other options because under the old plan didn’t really need to. Does ASU have stackable scholarships, or is that it?

SMU has a lot of Merit Scholarship options starting from $20k/yr to full tuition+ - with a 4.0 and I assume a good SAT score, probably has a good shot at one of those. Plus they have arts scholarships stackable on top of merit.


National Scholar award does not show up anymore for OOS students. It used to be 100% tuition for OOS students. You cannot compare instate awards to OOS awards.

For Arizona students, the difference between Presidents and National Scholars is 8K/year.

(To address your question about stackable scholarships, ASU has stackable scholarships such as Gammage Grady & Kathryn Gammage Memorial Scholarship | Barrett, The Honors College (

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Covid protocol quarantine

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Right, but the National Scholar Award for in state is $16,000 and the Presidents Award for OOS is $15,500. I don’t recall how it came up in the calculator before. But I don’t think it indicated a larger scholarship, I think it adjusted the tuition. From their POV they are probably thinking they are essentially still giving the same scholarship, they just aren’t giving the out of staters the tuition adjustment anymore, which in reality to us is very significant. (About $16k)

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Out-of-state National Scholar award had a different amount than in-state National Award. There was no tuition adjustment.

(note: my son is currently at ASU with that award)


Can you provide the email address that the April notification came from? I’ve checked my daughter’s account from the timeframe and nothing came in. Only thought is that we might build an appeal case if the school can retrieve her achive (deleted Spam and all) and show that the CB was at fault for not informing her.

Hoping against hope, but giving it a try.

Cancel that. Found the address on a post from April 22.

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Exactly. Yes we are hoping for the meadows school of art scholarship on top of the university merit scholarship. She has to submit a portfolio. It’s in the works. She has visited twice so far (Mustang Day and Meadows Spotlight Day). They’ve been great.
I see the info from @NJEngineerDad about scholarships. Thank you. That’s $4,000. But unfortunately that isn’t going to make up the difference.

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Did she give the college board her school email address? If so that may be why she didn’t get the email. If her school’s email works like our school email you can’t use it for anything outside the school. My kid’s can only receive email from school accounts.They have to use a personal email account for everything outside the school including the college board.

Yep, I just ran that also and same result, which is a change from last month. As noted, they still haven’t updated the estimator for 2022, but this doesn’t look good. ASU would be out for us also and would leave U of AZ with a significant competitive advantage for OOS over ASU.

@timan2000 Any idea as to when the amounts of the various scholarships will be updated since you now have a proven track record?

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