College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

Hi, we are in Texas too. Any idea what the cutoff is in Texas? my son got 1260 in his PSAT. Thanks!

I am concerned that they are not counting scores for Juniors who took the PSAT in January. This is what their Website says:



** Assessment - Students must complete one of the following assessment steps:*

    • Spring of sophomore year: Students take the PSAT 10 and indicate their race and ethnicity on the answer sheet.*
    • May of sophomore year: Students take two or more AP exams and indicate their race and ethnicity on the answer sheet.*
    • October of junior year: Students take the PSAT/NMSQT and indicate their race and ethnicity on the answer sheet.*

I mean, they went to the trouble of adding the sophomore testing and the AP testing, both of which were new this year, but they didn’t add the January 2021 sitting that was due to COVID? Perhaps it was just an “oversight,” but until I see someone post here that their student got the email and took the January test, I’m going to be skeptical.

I do think something is happening with kids who had to take the PSAT in January. I am going to try to find out more information on Monday. My son also qualified based on AP exams (1 in 9th & 1 in 10th and scored “4” on both) and still didn’t get an email. Below is what I found on the National Recognition Program site. I went back to re-read it because the info on College Board almost made seem that they had to take 2 AP courses in sophomore year.

Eligible juniors in CO2022 must…
Have taken the P10 in Spring 2020 of their sophomore year or PSAT/NMSQT in Fall 2020 of their junior year and scored in the top 10% for a given program in their state (e.g., if a student is eligible for African American Recognition based on their PSAT/NMSQT score, they must score in the top 10% of all African American PN testers in their state)
We take the highest score if a student has taken both P10 and PSAT/NMSQT
OR have taken 2 or more AP exams and scored a 3 or greater in their freshman and/or sophomore year

It’s so frustrating! I can’t imagine they would exclude the January PSAT since that exam counts for National Merit (I know the CBNRP is a different program but still).

I think you’ll be good. I read that as 2 or more between freshman and sophomore year combined. Mine should also qualify based on his P10 if it comes down to that, but the whole thing is frustrating because of all the secrecy and total lack of communication for something that is potentially very valuable.

Let us know what you find out! My son has a message in also through their messaging center.

Thanks for posting the list of small town high schools. Had to laugh at Culver Academy being listed in Indiana. Expensive boarding school military academy listed among real deserving rural schools. I guess they’re bound to get a few wrong in each state. That’s the only glaring mistake I saw in Indiana. A few other questionable but none so egregious as that.

I did some more digging and found this from the CB Web site, “The January administration will be available to order in mid-October and will offer all the
same benefits as the October PSAT/NMSQT, including eligibility for programs administered by National Merit Scholarship Corporation.”

The key language there is “all the same benefits as the October PSAT/NMSQT.” They illustrate the point with reference to National Merit, but it is not limited only to that “benefit.” So I think January testers should be good.

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@lupepinto Hi. I have no idea what the cutoff is in Texas. I haven’t seen it posted anywhere yet. Not sure if this will help, but I can tell you my son got a 1370 and he was in the 99th percentile.

Thanks you so much! that is pretty good! I know my son was 94 percentile but that’s nationwide… if he didn’t meet the PSAT criteria he meets the AP criteria.

@lupepinto I found this website which estimates the cutoff for Texas is 1310, but I don’t know that it is trustworthy info. The article is dated January 2021, but it still refers to the program as NHRP and it still has the old requirements. I guess their approximation may be close to the mark if that process has not changed…?

I wonder why the cutoff scores are so high when the College Board specifically states the top 10% of students. Why doesn’t a student at the 96th percentile qualify?

The Texas cutoffs last year (Class of '21) were as follows:

Hispanic - 1270
African American - 1260
Indigenous - 1270
Rural/Small Town - 1310

I got that directly from CBRP in an email last April.

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As a more practical matter, it looks like Arizona State University has extended its definition of “National Scholar” to include all College Board Recognition Programs (was National Merit and National Hispanic Recognition Program before). This can matter with respect to scholarship money offered by the school.


Congrats to those who qualified!

Does anyone from the Midwest states (listed below) want to share their score? My son got a 1320, which we’d hoped would qualify him, but he didn’t get an email! He took it in October. I don’t know if maybe he didn’t check the box saying send him college or scholarship info??? OMG, is it too late to do that now? Or did he just not qualify. THANKS!

  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Michigan
  • Missouri
  • Nebraska
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • South Dakota
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin

I would be suspicious of the accuracy of the article, as Class of 2021 cutoffs were by state for the first time, rather than by the old regions. (I have no idea about 2022 and the new criteria.)

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I’m still not sure if it’s by state or by region?! So I’m hoping someone from Missouri will post!

What some of us have done in the past is to ask for the Hispanic cutoff for your state. They will be happy to provide once they are ready to release the info. which they probably should be by now. Email


Midwest here (Illinois so not on your list, but im still Midwest lol) I got a 1400 on it and got an email, my friend got a 1360 and also got an invitation

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So in today’s episode of the Mystery of CBNRP I called CB to see if I could get any information (naive hope) about kids who took the PSAT in January. After being transferred and kept on hold 15 min I was basically told they didn’t have any information yet, more information would be posted on the website soon on how to self nominate and wait patiently for a letter. I’m pretty sure he was not clear what I was talking about because I had to repeat the program name several times and then called it by it’s old name to see if I could get the lightbulb to come on. I had sent a message through Contact Us on the recognition program website yesterday but haven’t received a response. So my plan is to wait impatiently until this weekend and then self submit if I haven’t heard anything.


I’ve called 4-5 times over the past few weeks, and have yet to find anyone who has even heard of CBNRP!

Dont worry, i called like 2 weeks ago asking about when invitations were coming out and the people i talked to had no idea what the Recognition Programs were

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