College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

Those are the scores for the class of 2021, which it says above the table. I’ll see if I can find anything for class of 2022, but it wasnt this. My DD would have qualified with these scores, but the scores for 2022 ended up being much lower. I think the South was like 1110. Dont know what they will be for the class of 2023.

Oh, ok. I was confused. So the policy change for NHMS went into effect for Class of 2022? My son is Class of 2023 and I think the timeline would indicate he would be notified in April if his October 2021 PSAT score qualifies him. So maybe there is some hope after all? I know that merit is being adjusted at many schools since the pool of recipients might be higher with lowered cut-offs, so the link seemed to contradict that, but I guess it was based on old info. Makes sense. My son’s SAT was a 1450 but they only consider the PSAT for this recognition, correct? Thanks for clarifying.

When it was top 2.5-3% those were the score ranges. Now it is top 10% so the scores are lower, and the College Board National Recognition Program web site still states 10%. This year’s scores may be a little higher because there were probably more test takers than the previous year. But I wouldnt imagine it will change that much. I remember seeing scores in the 1010-1140 range maybe - it depended on the region and the award because there are 4 different awards now. Some of those scores are probably buried in the comments above. I am not having any luck finding anything on the web. It also might not be the 6 regions anymore; it may be state by state. I would suspect a 1300 would qualify. (Point of reference - I think around a 1340ish qualified for National Merit Scholarship -Commended, last year) Keep an eye on his email including the junk folder and apply after the notice comes in. I think it came in around mid-April - and we had never heard of it and thought it was spam. Had to do research to find out it was real. Which was how I eventually found this page.

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Same here!


My son got a 1200 on the PDAT (did worse junior year than sophomore year!), and he would qualify for the Rural program (high school size: about 50), but maybe in our small state just about every school is considered rural so perhaps the top 10% will be higher. I think his PSAT report said 1200 was 90th percentile overall. Waiting to see.
Older son was a NMS last year and although he didn’t get the specific NMS merit award at BU, he applied there because I learned about it on the NMS CC forum and got amazing need-based financial aid and is in his freshman year there.


Just looked and my son’s PSAT of 1300 puts him at the 96th percentile so hopefully that translates to qualifying for NHMR. He has a 207 so he won’t be National Merit semi-finalist but maybe on the cusp of “honorable mention” or whatever they call that. Hopefully your son will be recognized with his 1200, it’s very possible with the new cut-offs.

That’s great your son applied to BU and received great aid (maybe NFS had something to do with their generosity?) and is attending such a great school. I’m sure he is loving life in Boston! My son didn’t visit BU because we heard they don’t give much merit (and we don’t qualify for much aid with an EFC of $40K) but he loved Northeastern and really liked UMASS Boston (and the city of Boston in general) so we definitely felt the vibe of what a great college city Boston is!

FYI you can find a link to the 2020 list of High Schools Designated as Rural or Small Town under College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022 - Specialty College Admissions Topics / Hispanic Students - College Confidential Forums

Cutoff last year was 209, but I heard that it is 207 this year, so there is hope for commended status. National Merit Semifinalist Cutoffs Class of 2022 - Final - Compass Education Group (■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■)
As for BU, they can be pretty generous with merit and have lots of opportunities for merit scholarships including a competitive $30k scholarship for NHRP and the trustee scholarship which is full tuition and a Presidential scholarship which is $25k. Also have seen plenty of people post that they are generous with aid.

You are giving me hope on both NHMP and commended status🤞Wish we had known this when we visited Boston, probably would have looked at BU. I may have done it wrong but the NPC for Boston College came to $27K for us (vs. $37K for Northeastern) so maybe it just shows each school has a different formula and you don’t really know until you apply. What is your son studying? My son is pursuing a BS in psychology (w/ Spanish minor or double major) with end goal of PhD in clinical psych. So I know BU is reputable with psychology and research opportunities.

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My S22 was just accepted to Northeastern with

  • National Recognition Program Scholar $31K/yr
  • financial aid Northeastern University Grant $6.2K/yr

His PSAT =1410, 209 index = Commended
National Hispanic and Rural Recognition.

Since NEU doesn’t have a scholarship table like UAlabama, I thought I’d share our actual data.

I was very surprised at the scholarship; I thought it’d be around $12K-$15K.

Hispanic male
Decision: Accepted
SAT/ACT: 36 superscore
GPA: 4.6W/ 3.95UW
State/Country: instate/MA
Major: Math - College of Science
Did you apply for FA?: yes

9 APs, rest Honors

  • Eagle Scout
  • 4 yrs Varsity sport - Captain
  • President/founder of a Club
  • part-time job, etc

~6+ years: Northeastern accepts 50% from his Public High School


Congratulations! And there has been a lot of speculation whether the NEU NRP Scholar was max $15K or max $30k. Sounds like the max can be whatever they want it to be. Well done.


We received email with attached award. Is there anywhere this show up on your college board profile? I do not see it attached to scores or anything…

Not that I am aware of.

That’s amazing! Congrats! We heard of one HRPS getting $40K but that was several years ago (I assumed that also included financial aid.) But the amount your son received is almost unheard of at Northeastern. Heck, just getting in seems to be rare this year even with great stats! Is NEU at the top of his list or is he still waiting on several more schools? Really appreciate this info!

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When my son was Deferred by his #1 choice,
he applied to 7 more Hail Marys since we’re chasing merit/financial aid.
With the 2 Deferrals, he’s waiting for 12 decisions in late March/early April.

NEU’s aid brings it closest to our affordable option: UMass Amherst,
but I’m concerned with the GPA 3.0 minimum to keep the scholarship since STEM classes can be very challenging.


I remember the days when National Hispanic Scholars would get full tuition and fees at Northeastern. The class of 2013 was the last high school class to receive that much. By the time my high school class of 2014 was accepted, they were only giving $30,000/year, which was very close to tuition, but that meant any tuition increases would be on you.

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Sounds like you have a long wait for all the offers to come in and the serious decision-making to commence. But really nice to have this one under his belt I’m sure and I’ll bet there will be more good news to come! I was ready to encourage my S23 to toss NEU aside as an unrealistic option (and it would still be a financial reach even with their best merit assistance unless we got lucky with financial aid) but now I feel more comfortable keeping it on the table. Was he invited to the honors program? Is that why he has to keep the 3.0 GPA? Or is that a requirement for any scholarships?

When parents here give concrete info of actual offers it helps the 2023 parents like me SO much! Thanks again and can’t wait to hear more about your son’s journey!

  1. Happy to help, because I’ve learned so much from all these forums.

  2. The entire time before my son checked NEU decision, I already prepped him that even if he’s lucky to be accepted, he probably won’t be going there since he’ll only get about $10K in merit, which means NEU would be entirely too expensive for our wallet. I basically had NEU written off so we were beyond surprised.

  3. With the crazy NEU rejection/deferral/NUin/Bound rates, we’re thankful that he was accepted, so we’re not disappointed that he wasn’t accepted to the Honors Program.

  4. Often scholarships have a GPA minimum requirement to keep them.
    “The Northeastern National Recognition Program Scholarship is in the amount of $31,000 for your first year and $15,500 per full semester during your upper-class years, while you are attending classes. This scholarship is renewable in accordance with the enclosed scholarship guidelines, provided that you maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average.”

  5. Only 2 of the 19 colleges my son had applied to will give him any scholarship for NHRP. Waiting until March to see if UAlabama will award him free tuition/1yr boarding/$. That’s not guaranteed, correct?
    They’ve offered him $28K/yr so far, no financial aid.


  • write those supplemental essays EARLY: son wrote 35 essays!!!
  • finish the Regular Decision essays/applications by 11/1.
    My son basically stopped after he submitted the 11 EA applications by 11/1. He took a LOOOONG break, so it was VERY difficult to get him back to the college application mode to finish up the Regular Decision essays/applications.
  • some colleges (ie. URochester) have scholarship/financial aid deadline of 12/1, even though their Regular Decision deadline is not until 1/5.

Good luck!

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Based on the letter my D22 received in the mail and their website, I take it the UA scholarship is automatic. From their website:

Students recognized by the National African American, Hispanic, Indigenous or Rural & Small-Town Recognition Programs who are admitted by May 1, 2022 will be selected for our National Recognition Scholarship package and receive:

  • Tuition Scholarship for four years (eight semesters) (Tuition for OOS is $30,250, but I think you get in state tuition, and it is free)
  • $1,000 per year supplemental scholarship for four years (eight semesters)
  • First year of undergraduate on-campus housing at regular room rate* (based on
    assignment by Housing and Residential Communities)

So that first year is worth about $40,000 and then $31,250 each year after that.


Ok, so it makes sense the merit would come with a minimum GPA requirement, as most do. They seem to range from as low as 2.5 to as high as a 3.5 GPA, so important to read the fine print. It’s definitely a challenging major, but I’m sure your son will do just fine. I assume the honors program at NEU requires a 3.5 which would be a huge challenge, even for the best students.

You have no idea how helpful your information is! My son plans to apply to 10-12 schools, with a mix of safety, target and reaches (both academic and financial.) Definitely wise to do ALL applications by November 1st so he can enjoy his senior year and focus on some of the challenging classes he signed up for. We hope to visit all schools before he applies so he only applies to those he could see himself attending/that seem to be good fits. But not sure we will be able to visit Alabama (totally not on our radar until recently)a few Florida colleges (New College, Nova Southeastern, Wilkes Honors, and maybe UCF if he could qualify for the honors program since it’s WAY too big for his preferences) and maybe a few Chicago schools (North Park, Loyola)

So far, he has seen and likes these colleges:
Boston College
Buffalo State College
LeMoyne (Syracuse)
St. John FIsher (Rochester)
Daemen (Buffalo)
UNMASS Boston (Honors)

Planning upcoming visits to:
Oglethrope University (Atlanta)
CUNY Hunter (interested in applying to Macaulay Honors)

You heard about your son qualifying for NHMS in April 2021? And are those notified definitely recipients if they apply or is there a competitive final phase? Sorry if this has been covered on this CC thread. Thank you again!