College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

It does not cover the housing for first year it gives you a discounted rate for the first year. I spoke with them last week and verfied this.

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Correct it is automatic and will also cover out of state tuition for out of state residents

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Are you referring to Alabams here? According to their mailing and their website it will cover the cost of housing. If you choose something extra, you will have to pay a little out of pocket. For example, it notes Regular room rate is defined as the largest room option in a particular dorm. Example: Riverside, Lakeside and Ridgecrest have four-person suites. The cost associated with the four-person suite would be the value of the housing scholarship in this circumstance That would be $4500 per semester for a 4BR unit, single occupancy. You could choose a 1 BR unit in those dorms which cost $4900/semester in which case based on this statement I assume that means you would have to pay the extra $400 per semester out of pocket. Or you could choose a 2BR unit (single occupancy) for $4700 and pay $200 out of pocket per semester. Or you could choose what they offer any pay nothing.


The University of South Carolina offers $6000 per year and tuition reduction for OOS.


UA scholarship is automatic.

WHERE would I find this confirmation for my son?
It wasn’t on his merit letter (snail mail).
It’s not mentioned on Alabama portal: financial aid or scholarship.


My daughter wrote an email to about the OOS tuition not present in her financial aid award at the financial aid page on myBama and they answered:

We will release all of our scholarship information online in early March, and you can rely on any offers you have already been awarded through letters to be visible then, including the National Recognition Package.


Thank you!

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I think I posted this link recently, but here is the link again:

Diversity Merit Scholarship – Scholarships | The University of Alabama (

and the words at the link:

National Recognition Scholarship Package

Students recognized by the National African American, Hispanic, Indigenous or Rural & Small-Town Recognition Programs who are admitted by May 1, 2022 will be selected for our National Recognition Scholarship package and receive:

  • Tuition Scholarship for four years (eight semesters)
  • $1,000 per year supplemental scholarship for four years (eight semesters)
  • First year of undergraduate on-campus housing at regular room rate* (based on
    assignment by Housing and Residential Communities)

National Recognition Scholarship Eligibility

To be considered for the National Recognition Scholarship at UA, students must be recognized by the College Board National Recognition Program. The College Board National Recognition Program is a third-party organization that create pathways to college for underrepresented students by awarding them academic honors and connecting them with universities across the country. Please review the College Board National Recognition Programs webpage for the eligibility requirements of this program.

*Regular room rate is defined as the largest room option in a particular dorm. Example: Riverside, Lakeside and Ridgecrest have four-person suites. The cost associated with the four-person suite would be the value of the housing scholarship in this circumstance. If you live in an alternative dorm where double room occupancy is the largest available option, then the cost associated with the double room would be the value of the housing scholarship.


In our case, on April my daughter received an email with an invitation to apply to the NHRP. The email came from and had an invitation number that she had to use to start the application. The deadline was May 28 and the application was easy I think, no essay, my daughter sent it two days later.

On September 1st, she received an email with the award, which was a letter from the College Board’s Chief Executive Officer in the body of the email and a PDF certificate attached. I don’t remember that she had to do anything else.


Our experience was exactly the same. I think the app took my daughter literally minutes, so for sure no essay.


Thank you! Very helpful to know the timeline. May I ask what your daughter’s PSAT score was and what state you are from? Or do states not matter for NHMS? Maybe it is just based on national data?

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We are from Arizona, my daughter took the PSAT/NMSQT in October 2020 and she scored 1490.


Thank you for the info! Yikes, not sure my son will qualify. He has a 1300 (in New York State) and 2019 cutoff was 1320 for middle states. We will have to wait and see how things shake out. Really appreciate this guidance!

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That is an old article that is no longer relevant to how the program operates. They now recognize the Top 10% (it used to be 2-3% when that article was published). And that program is now administered directly by College Board, not the third-party noted in that blog article.

Your son will qualify with a 1300 on PSAT. My only caveat is that he needs to have a GPA over 3.5 per this criteria page on the College Board website.


Yes, think the cutoffs went down in the last two years. I couldn’t find a more recent article.

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That’s good to know! He has a 4.0 unweighted so should be fine there. If they need to factor in actual SAT he has a 1450 if that helps. Thank you-now I feel some hope!

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They do not check the SAT score, but your child should qualify with his PSAT score and excellent GPA!

From another thread:

"Please note the cutoff scores for the 2021 National Recognition Programs for students in California are as follows:

African American Recognition: 1140
Hispanic Recognition: 1130
Indigenous Recognition: 1150
Rural and Small Town Recognition: 1110"

So that would be for the class of 2022. If you search this and other threads or reddit, you may find the scores for some other states, and they were similar. But I think the 1300 would be safe in NY. I don’t recall seeing anything in the 1200s.

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I guess my son is lucky they changed from top 3% to top 10%. If anyone knows the 2022 cut off scores for NYS, please share.

Congrats again to your daughter. Did she also qualify for NMF? Amazing PSAT score!