College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

No decision yet. :grinning: :grinning: But just two days before the college board sends class of 2023 recognition program email invites.


My son was invited to apply for the Hispanic Recognition Award! He is super excited! Received this email about 4pm EST and he checked his College Board account which gave him the application for the Hispanic category. He scored a 1300 on the PSAT (207 conversion) and we are from New York State. He has a 4.0 unweighted GPA so he will qualify as per their other requirements as long as he completes the application on time.

Your teen’s performance on the PSAT/NMSQT®, PSAT™ 10, and/or AP® Exam qualifies them to apply for one or more of the College Board National Recognition Programs. These programs award academic honors to underrepresented students.

Today, your teen received an email inviting them to apply by Wednesday, June 15, at 8:00 p.m. ET.

Your teen may qualify for at least one of the following awards:
• African American Recognition Award
• Hispanic Recognition Award
• Indigenous Recognition Award
• Rural and Small Town Recognition Award

If your teen currently has a 3.5 GPA or higher, identifies as African American or Black, Hispanic or Latinx, Indigenous, or attends school in a rural or small town, we encourage them to apply for this academic honor. Your teen must identify with at least one of the four groups listed to be eligible.

The deadline to apply is Wednesday, June 15, at 8:00 p.m. ET. There’s no application fee. Please encourage your teen to apply as soon as possible, as this deadline won’t be extended.

If you have questions, contact us at, and update your spam/junk folder settings to receive emails from this address.


College Board


Congrats! My 10th grader just did as well :slight_smile: My senior received some nice merit awards this year because of the Hispanic Recognition Award. It’s great to have!

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That’s great the they sent you an email too. I don’t remember receiving an email like that.

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Congratulations! My son is a junior. I know that merit opportunities vary from college to college, so hard to say if this will make a big impact financially, but it’s a nice honor and resume builder either way. It’s encouraging to hear that the National Hispanic Recognition Award opened some doors for some 2022 students. We were just at an open house for Case Western and they did highlight that increasing diversity is important to them in the admissions process and specifically mentioned that they give extra money for National Merit recognition awards. Don’t think they are super generous (certainly not at the Alabama level) but every little bit helps!

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I’m not sure if they asked my son to provide my email when he took the PSAT or they just had it from when he applied to the SAT. I get general emails from College Board periodically and I almost put it in the trash, luckily I caught the headline before I did. Lol. So tell your kids to read any college board emails carefully!

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I don’t think Case Western Reserve was on the original comprehensive list of schools shared here (schools who give merit for NHMS) but it was mentioned during an admissions presentation and seemed to be tied to their segment on wanting more diversity so this is how it’s worded on their website FYI.

National Merit Scholarships

Case Western Reserve sponsors a number of National Merit Scholarships in amounts ranging from $1,000 to $2,000. Competition finalists who declare CWRU as their first choice and who have not received other National Merit or Corporate National Merit Scholarships will be considered.

Do they consider CBNRP as well as NMSC? Some schools only recognize NMSC which is how it sounds from your description from their website. “Competition finalists who declare CWRU as their first choice” is a NMSC thing not a CBNRP thing.

Other schools like Alabama and TAMU recognize both NMSC and CBNRP. For example TAMU classifies “National Scholars” as either NMSC or CBNRP award recipients and clearly states the scholarship $ amount for each based on NMSC semi-finalist, NMSC finalist, or CBNRP. But all are considered to be national scholars at A&M. SMU only recognizes NMSC national scholars.

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Good question and points and they don’t mention CBNRP. But it was strange that they mentioned it during the “diversity” part of the presentation. So maybe they don’t formally recognize it but it’s still an important consideration, at least for admission but maybe not merit?


My sophmore received an email to apply. It seems early, I don’t think her brother got his until junior year. That, or he never checked the email which is highly probable.


@martinezcs @piperfitch @AmyIzzy I just got an email last night inviting me to apply for the National recognition program (I’m a junior)

I was wondering if there is a list of colleges that provide scholarships for winners of the national recognition program


I think they just opened it up to sophomores last year. Congrats!


Congrats! There is a long list earlier in this thread, although I couldn’t find it to share the link. You might find it scrolling though. My daughter is a senior and 2 of her schools (Northeastern and Fordham) gave her scholarships for the Hispanic Recognition Program. They both seem to have a range they will give and not a set amount as I’ve seen kids who got more and some who got less with the same Hispanic recognition award. She received $18,000 a year from Northeastern and $7,000 a year from Fordham. Though it should be noted that Fordham also gave $23,000 in financial aid and Northeastern did not give any need-based aid. She received merit aid from a few other schools but none of that aid was tied to CBNRP.

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I messaged you the list that is posted somewhere in this thread. I copied it awhile back because I knew it might be hard to search for with so many posts here.

Congrats! I see someone already sent you the list. It’s a great starting place. Keep in mind it does change a bit each year. Scroll through this thread for lots of great info from people and keep watching it as people add updated info particularly in the late summer/early fall.


I’ve been following and contributing to this thread for our '22 son; and now this weekend my '24 son received notification from College Board that he qualifies. I was surprised because he’s just a sophomore; does anyone know why they have extended this to sophomores now? Will my '24 need to apply again next year if he scores well on the 11th grade PSAT? Will colleges care which year?
An update on our '22: in the end he chose Trinity University which did not specifically acknowledge his CBNRP, but he did get accepted and awarded their top merit scholarship of $30k/yr. He was invited to compete for the Towers scholarship which would have been full tuition ($47k/yr) but did not win. It’s still his top choice and he’s selected/sent deposit. I think the only schools from his list that gave $ specific to CBNRP were U of Arizona and ASU (I’d have to go back and look to see if his ASU award specifically called it out. We had hoped for a much larger award, but he only received $15,500/yr). He was not interested in applying to U of Alabama or Texas A&M.


University of South Florida offers $20000 ($5k/year) + a study abroad to CBRP scholars. It must be stacked with another academic merit scholarship, so comes to another $2000-4500 per year for in state and $1000-12000 per year for OOS students. For instate students with 100% Bright Futures, it is a fantastic award.


Can anyone provide a link or information regarding the state/regional PSAT scores that qualify for the Hispanic Recognition Award this year (meaning current high school juniors)? I can’t find any updated score charts for this current year.

Thank you!

This information was shared in another thread:

The link … gives “breaking news” from 4/13 as the cutoff being 207. That’s known because it is the same cutoff as used for Hispanic and other “recognition” awards. In other words you get “recognition” for reaching or exceeding the commended cutoff if you fall into one of the specific underrepresented categories.

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Thanks for taking the time to forward that.

Unfortunately, I don’t see any data for the Hispanic Recognition Award PSAT cut offs in there … but thank you.

I emailed the College Board and our high school counselor as well, so hopefully we will get an answer. My daughter took the PSAT and scored well but she hasn’t received an email like others on here did this weekend … so we don’t know for sure if she qualifies for a Hispanic Recognition Award.