College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

I interpreted the above to mean any student within the represented group who met or exceeded a NMSC of 207 qualified for recognition. Did your child meet or exceed that benchmark? Perhaps the original poster @Twoin18 can provide more information.

I believe that the benchmarks for the various recognition programs like National Merit, National Hispanic Recognition Program, National African American Recognition Program and National Indigenous Programs are all different … and they further differ by year and by state or by region, depending on the specific program.

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The NMSC is a completely different program from CBNRP. National Merit Scholarship Corporation has their NM program and the College Board has their National Recognition Program. They use different criteria and cutoffs. The CBNRP cutoff scores are lower than the NMSC cutoff scores. NMSC gives the top 3-4% commended, top 1% semi-finalist and then competition process for finalist. Whereas the CBNRP is for the top 10% on the PSAT or two AP classes with a score of 3 or higher in 8th, 9th, or 10th grade. CBNRP also requires at least a 3.5 GPA and that the student is in an underrepresented group (Black, Hispanic, Indigenous, Rural.)
" The College Board National Recognition Programs are not affiliated with the National Merit® Scholarship Program."


When my older kids were graduating HS in 2018, things seemed to be much simpler since there were none of the alternate methods of evaluation that have been introduced the last few years (and it was just hispanic recognition). IIRC back then the NHRP simply used the commended cutoff.

I think that is still automatic qualification for all of these programs, but it may now be possible to gain recognition with a lower score (and in the last few years with none at all) in some cases.

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Thanks. I will make sure to check the updated list:)

I just wish I could easily find this year’s National Hispanic Recognition Program PSAT cut off numbers.

My daughter did much better this year than last year’s cutoff number for our region, but that number changes every year and she didn’t receive an email this weekend like others here on CC did, so I’m not sure.

What state are you in? I think the cutoff this year is similar to last years if you are able to find those numbers.


It’s hard to verify, but I think I have the numbers from 2020-21 which for our region would be 1310.

I agree. You can call them at 1 (866) 630-9305 to ask and if her score was high enough she can self nominate if they didn’t receive the invitation. They have a process for self nomination.

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Oh! That’s confusing, but I suppose it makes sense since CBNRP is calibrated by state/region. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help. Hopefully, CB gets back to you quickly!

I emailed the College Board and it sent me the phone number, called the phone number that then asked me to email another email address that then instructed me to call the number! Looking for qualifying score for California, in case this info comes up for anyone. I seem to be a circular info search!

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It is typically top 10% by state. TX used to be around 1120. Not sure why your daughter did not qualify. You can go on the CB portal and self-nominate.

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Thanks everyone for the comments. I’ve called and emailed everyone I can think of. I will let it play out on its own for a week or so.

Last year’s qualifying score was a low of 1270 in the Midwest to a high of 1370 in the south. Our region’s qualifying score last year was a 1310.

I think the most likely scenarios are either my daughter did not mark on her PSAT that she is Hispanic, or the College Board is updating qualifying students region by region and they haven’t done the southwest yet.

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Those scores, 1270-1370, would be from 2 years ago when it was run a little differently and was scored by region and seemed to be more closely aligned with NMSC. Starting last year, it is by state and the scores were much lower as noted (more like 1070-1200). But as 1dadinNC noted, you can self-nominate if you did not receive an email. Also, make sure you checked junk mail and filtered mail. Search for mail from College Board National Recognition Program or


Thank you, that would be good news.

Surely that depends: the more the eligibility is widened, the less prestigious the achievement. It looks like there’s less willingness to offer the same merit to recognition winners compared to a few years ago when many places treated NHRP winners the same as NMFs.


Yes, this is undeniably true.

My son did not receive an email either so he self nominated. He had a 1290 PSAT in California.


Any idea what the chances are of getting an award? My son was invited to apply for the Small town and Rural award… just curious how many may apply and what the possibility is that he will get it.

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Everybody that meets the threshold will get it is my understanding, which frankly makes this distinction irrelevant. Basically, it has been reduced to a placeholder for common app.

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