College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

Thank you very much for the reply. I don’t know about irrelevant because they still have to have done fairly well to get it, but less prestigious, I will agree.

We live in a very small town in a rural state and to even get my son to take the psat was a 4 month conversation with the school… they didn’t want to do it…and when he did take it, he was the only one who took it. I have never even heard of this until a friend directed me to it… so for him to possibly get a national award, well, that’s huge! Perspective :wink:


As long as he meets the criteria, he will receive the award. They ask for the transcript to make sure the student has at least a 3.5 GPA.

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Thank you very much for the info! I appreciate it! I’m assuming since he was invited to apply that his psat score meets criteria?

When will they ask for the transcript… I don’t think they asked for that in the application process?

The important part is to make sure to include this award (once it is received) on resume, on college applications etc, just being identified as rural, or Hispanic, etc, could lead to schools reaching out to you that you might not have thought of. Also, look at the list of colleges I posted somewhere far above (and if you read through the thread, you will see additions and updates). There are schools that will offer scholarships based on this, it wont be ivy league schools, but there are good schools and some decent scholarships. (Arizona, Mississippi State, Alabama, Texas A&M, etc) We had a discussion about some of the results about 2 weeks ago.


Thank you! This is all very foreign to me… like I said, our school doesn’t even offer the test so I am digging for any information I can find so thanks for being such a good source of info.

Identifying my child on an application as Hispanic and a high test scorer, in a state that is both race blind and test blind, is a win in my book.


Yes, a few months ago I asked for the cut-offs for New York State from last year(2021) just to see if my son was in the ballpark and I went through the same madness. Called one # and they told me to call another, called that number and they told me to call the one I had just called. Then I was given an email which received an auto reply a few weeks later saying they couldn’t help, I would need to call :woman_shrugging: I just gave up and was happy when he met the threshold, but I still have no idea what the cut-off was for last year or this year. My son’s score was 96th percentile nationally if that helps (has to be top 10% in your state so not sure how that translates.) The easiest thing to do is just have him self-nominate. I’ll bet he made the cut-off but maybe forgot to mark Hispanic. Good luck!


It’s been a year since we did it so I don’t remember exactly step by step. Maybe someone who has just done it this cycle can chime in. But,The email inviting to apply has a link/code. Student goes to that link and uses the code and completes the application. They upload a transcript as part of the application. The college board has the PSAT score and the AP exam scores but they don’t have the student’s GPA so the student has to upload a transcript for GPA verification. It asks for it somewhere in the application. I remember submitting the transcript. I don’t remember exactly where in the application.

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They ask for the GPA. Do not need to upload a transcript.
The checks and balances are already in place because AOs will see what your kid’s GPA is on the transcript. I am pretty certain anyone getting $$ will be scrutinized. So, if you lie, you are out of luck!!
What I do not know is whether a school needs to upload a transcript at some point or not. I suspect not.

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My son ended up filling out the application just in case he makes the cutoff for California, it’s really wild how we just don’t know what’s what and they are so unhelpful! Crossed fingers it all works out. Thank you!


My son has been invited to apply for CBNHRP. He fits the GPA requirement, so I imagine he’ll have the certificate for the award this fall. TAMU is our first choice. On Aggieland Saturday we were told repeatedly to apply early (as in Aug) if he wants to get his first choice major. How did the timing work for yall? Were you able to update Apply TX with the CBNHR certificate after the application was submitted, or did your child apply after it was awarded?

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They must have changed the application this year. My daughter had to upload a transcript last year.

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My daughter’s application was complete (transcript received, everything in) by September 9th so she did include the CBNHRP award on her ApplyTexas application. She was accepted in the first wave. All the August/early September applicants were reviewed and given acceptance at the same time, around September 23rd.

You can apply in August but won’t be able to have the CBNRP award on the application. But, after application is submitted you can upload the document into TAMU’s AIS (not applytexas) as well as any letters of recommendation.

A&M will get a list of CBNRP students and if admitted, the scholarship will be awarded automatically, whether you had it on the application or not and whether you upload the certificate or not.


I’m the parent of a current sophomore (Class of 2024), and my daughter received the invitation email a few days ago. I’m somewhat familiar with the program (I was a National Hispanic Scholar in 2000), but it appears the program has changed some. I found the National Recognition Programs page on the College Board website and found this under Program Rules:

“Please note, students in class of 2023 who have previously received recognition are not eligible for the same award. Students can only be awarded once per program during their high school enrollment.”

That leaves me with some questions:

  • Is there any advantage or disadvantage to being recognized/awarded as a sophomore vs. junior?
  • If my daughter doesn’t make the cut this year (not sure why she wouldn’t), would she be eligible again next year?
  • Do you recommend opting in to the Student Search Service?
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There is no advantage to receiving it one year vs another. Once the award if received it is added to list of awards. Doesn’t matter what year it was given.
I do recommend opting in to the student search. Just be prepared to unsubscribe to colleges that you aren’t interested in. You will receive a lot of emails.
They can qualify junior year if they don’t qualify sophomore year.

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@sparkletown @AmyIzzy
If they were invited then it means they met the PSAT cutoff. Students that do not meet the cutoff are not invited.
What needs to be established after is the GPA. If your GPA is over 3.5 (weighted or unweighted) then you qualify.
However, I fully expect colleges will set their own cutoffs to make this award more meaningful moving forward.


You can ask College Board what the cut off is for your state. I did that for my son last year because we never got an email and they told me so I knew he qualified for the award-we are in Texas. They said for Texas (class of 2022) the cut off was 1110 (as far PSAT score is concerned). There is still the other criteria that needs to be met.

It would be helpful if people ask and when known, post it here. Anyone knows what the Texas cut off is for class of 2023?

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My son never got an invite but he did qualify so is best to find out what the cut off for the top 10% is (which varies by state) so you know if you qualify for the award or not.