College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

Wait. I am confused. How did the public school counselor have your transcript if you homeschool? I have all my son’s records.

I believe the 1350 sophomore score will count for this year’s juniors. That is how I read the new criteria. For this year’s juniors, they are:



  • Assessment - Students must complete one of the following assessment steps:

    • Spring of sophomore year: Students take the PSAT 10 and indicate their race and ethnicity on the answer sheet.
    • May of sophomore year: Students take two or more AP exams and indicate their race and ethnicity on the answer sheet.
    • October of junior year: Students take the PSAT/NMSQT and indicate their race and ethnicity on the answer sheet.
  • Notification

    • April of junior year: College Board invites eligible students to apply for recognition. Students apply online using the link provided.
    • May of junior year: The deadline for invited students to apply for National Recognition Programs is May 28, 2021, 5:00PM PT (2021 cycle). The deadline cannot be extended.
    • Early fall of senior year: Students are notified via email that they have been granted recognition, and a notification is sent to students’ high schools. A student must be enrolled as a senior to receive recognition.

I read the italicized portions of the assessment section to be disjunctive alternatives, i.e. this OR that. So a qualifying sophomore PSAT would work. Further, the only reasonable inference from the criteria as a whole is that it applies retroactively. This is because it is clearly directed at this year’s juniors as shown by the italicized application deadline. Ergo, this year’s juniors may qualify (retroactively, so to speak) based on a sophomore PSAT.

Finally, while you didn’t ask this, the College Board website says elsewhere that this year’s January PSAT counted for all benefit purposes, meaning that it counts in lieu of the October PSAT for CBRP purposes among others.

@bachstra I was the school counselor since we homeschool. So I had to submit the information as her counselor.

This makes sense now. That is what I did for my older daughter as well.

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I’m sorry but I am still confused. My son did not take the PSAT 10 in the spring of sophomore year. He took the actual PSAT/NMSQT in the fall of sophomore year. That isn’t listed in the requirements at all.

If I were you, and absent any firm and clear clarification from someone at CBRP, which seems to not be forthcoming anytime soon, I would do a self-nomination application and attach the best PSAT he took in 10th or 11th grade. Make them tell you “no.” I can’t imagine they would because any explanation they could attempt to give would be utterly foolish.

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I’ve noticed that as well but my son received the invitation from College Board this past weekend and he took the Oct 2020 PSAT at school as a sophomore. So I’m assuming it’s acceptable if they invited him to apply.

I would do what is being suggested as self nominate.



Just confirming. Everyone who received an invite uploaded unofficial transcripts, correct?


I submitted an official transcript from school that was sent to me earlier this spring so that my son could submit to colleges to apply to some summer programs. Even though it’s not signed, it’s still official. It includes final grades from fall semester.

I will try that. Thank you.

Hello from NY. So my son received his invitation on Friday Hispanic and African American Recognition).

First of all, I didn’t know this even existed. I questioned whether it was ligit. My son scored 1160 in the Oct PSAT.

If the cutoff was lowered, I wonder if this designation is going to carry any real weight anymore.

For my Jan 2021 PSAT people - our high school college counselor told me today that the Jan PSAT does counts and that they will be getting an invite it is just delayed. You can still self submit but if you wait another week or two they will get the invite.


I believe you have to apply to actually get the recognition award. That’s it. There is no semi-finalist, finalist, etc. categories like National merit. Then with your recognition award you may qualify for scholarships at different schools. Depends on what they offer. For example University of ALabama offers a really good package for these types of awards. Paid tuition, money and first year of dorm. This link I am sending refers to the class of 2021 (see deadlines) but I would think for class of 2022 it would be similar? This is just an example. Schools have different automatic awards for this type of award like they have for national finalist and semifinalist of National Merit. Just go into schools websites and look under scholarships.

@Nycprincesa ,what e-mail address did the invitation come from? My daughter scored a 1210 and I’d all but lost hope until I read your post!

@Rigby21 , will you keep us updated on when you get your invitation? My daughter took hers in January, as well.

Would you be so kind to specify if you included all grades from 9th grade until junior year Spring grades in the official transcript? My school in CT says that the official transcript doesn’t include 11th grade’s grades. As per the application, I understand that it requires junior year’s up to spring or it can disqualify the participant. Am I understanding this correctly?

Spring junior year grades are not calculated yet as the semester is still ongoing. My son’s classes finish in 3 weeks. I’m pondering waiting three weeks before applying.

TBH, I’m a little worried about this. Before this year, the requirement was to score in the top 2.5-3% (not sure which) of one’s respective group (AA, Hispanic, etc.) in their region. Now, as of the January revamp of the program, it only requires a top 10% score within the respective group in a state. That will triple or quaduple the number of kids eligible. That is a significant watering down of the designation, and it certainly wouldn’t surprise me to see colleges trim back their respective scholarship offers as a result or tack on additional qualification requirements.

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It came from this email:

And it was emailed to my son. Not me.