College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

Thanks for the answers, much appreciated!

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That seems to be about the 65-70th percentile score on a national basis and Texas isn’t a low scoring state overall for PSAT (What's a Good PSAT Score for 2021?). So what is it supposed to correspond to the “top 10%” of?

Lupe did the college board give you that cutoff? I asked this year and they send some generic response and no cutoff

Last year, when my daughter was applying, College Board gave me a cutoff score for our state and program. My daughter far surpassed the score, but never received an invitation. She self-nominated and received the recognition.

This year, I asked again since my son will be applying. I received a generic answer with no cutoff score telling him to apply if he thought he might qualify. :woman_shrugging:t3:

I am so glad your son took the test. This award is very prestigious for some schools. He will be a “National Scholar”. Some schools automatically give him scholarship money for the award. Texas A&M invited my son (class of 2022) to several on campus functions and gave him scholarship money (they post the amount in their website, is automatic). At our high school he was recognized at the same level as National Merit students and they even had a banquet to honor them. National Merit is very hard to get so I am very glad College Board has this award to honor other hard working students that have really great stats but may have not done as well in the PSAT. My son is 94 out of 1260 students so top 7%, all A’s, 6 AP classes and other honor classes so we are grateful to have been able to get this award.


Oh wao. Well perhaps is on case by case basis? or they will be looking at other things? Is worth a try! the application is pretty easy.

yes, last year they did. Perhaps they are not willing to do that this year…

tinman2000, I looked for the response I got last year (2021) and this is what they said:

"The minimum PSAT score for the National Hispanic Recognition Program, for students from the state of Texas, is 1110. Scores above this would indicate being in the top 10%.”


I tried to nominate her but it says to message them to find out what the cutoff is. Nothing irritates me more than people that can not be frank and do their job.

Thank you so much for your kind words, that meant a lot to me! In my eyes this is a prestigious honor. Congrats to your son as well… these kids deserve a pat on the back for their hard work, it’s not easy!

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For those who didn’t get an invite to apply the college board site says: “Students who believe they are eligible for recognition but do not receive an invitation can self-nominate through our application site and have their eligibility reviewed.”

I think it might be the top 10% of Hispanic students from the state? Because each category has slightly different cutoffs per state.


Yes but then the web site asks you if you qualify. It also says that if you do not know the cutoff to message them to find out. If you message them, they say to apply if you believe. Which one is it a belief or a factual cutoff. This is so annoying.

Just say “Yes” and apply because you don’t really know the answer. The application is easy and you have nothing to loose.


Has anyone navigated maximizing the options/benefits of CBNRP and National Merit Semifinalist re: merit aid? By that, I mean some schools require you to make them your first choice for merit aid for the recognition (i.e., Alabama and USC). Could you, for example, make Alabama your first choice for National Merit, and then do the same with another college for CBNRP? Are there many that don’t require you to make them first choice? If anyone has worked thru this in the application/merit process, I’d appreciate your input.

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For CBNR you do NOT need to list a first choice school, it works completely differently from NMF. CBNR, if listed on a school’s website, is an automatic award, and you can/will get CBNR offers from multiple schools if you apply to multiple schools that offer the award.

You may need to send some kind of proof to the school (CBNR certificate) but if that is even needed the school will let you know.


If you received award sophomore year, do you get an invite again Junior PSAT? My daughter received it last year and she should have been invited this year, so we self nominated, maybe you can only get it once??

That isnt completely accurate - it is school dependent. Some schools - like Arizona, Texas A&M, Mississippi State and Alabama (and many others) it is automatic with acceptance to the university. Other schools like Boston University ($25K), Northeastern (as much as $30k), Fordham (as much as full tuition), Duquesne (1 full tuition) - it is competitive. Also, acceptance to some of those schools will be much more difficult. But it is true that you do not have to list them as your first choice school like NMF.

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Any 2022 parents have experience applying to the University of Central Florida Barnett Honors College? The website says:

College Board Nationally Recognized

“Students who receive honors under the College Board National Recognition Programs are encouraged to apply and will receive strong consideration.”

Just wondering if anyone applied as National Hispanic Merit Scholar and was accepted into the Honors Program at UCF. If so, was the merit decent? We are from New York State, so not sure if chances decrease for OOS candidates.

Thanks for any insight!

Good clarifiers that I agree with, thanks!

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