College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

@EsAhoraDeComer I will post if/when we receive the invite. In her follow up the counselor said it would be May which concerned me. The deadline to apply is May 28th. I would suggest you request the transcripts from your school now so that you have them and are ready to go. If we don’t receive the invite by 5/17 we will self submit, I just think the process would be easier if we had an invite and that’s why I am holding out.

My son is a sophomore so his transcript only includes 3 full semesters plus shows a list of in-progress classes for his 4th semester (spring semester sophomore year, now). I considered waiting until he finished the semester to send a full 4-semester transcript but decided against it because it usually takes the teachers a few weeks to finalize grades and send out final report cards and transcripts after classes end. So it would put us past the deadline. Last day of classes is May 28 so it just wont work. I figure they invited him to apply so they realize he will only have 3 semesters worth of grades to show. His GPA is a weighted 4.43 and unweighted 3.98 so it won’t change much this semester.

I don’t believe you will be disqualified if you don’t have junior year grades as your school is telling you. Perhaps based on the previous program. But the program changed this year, so be sure to apply and send in the transcript. You have nothing to lose.

They definitely cast a wider net when u consider the lower scores, allowing sophomores. and the AP tests allowed. It’ll be interesting to see how colleges react to it. And whether the changes are permanent or simply a temporary adjustment during the pandemic.

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Thank you so much for the advice. The lady at my daughter’s school suggested to send the formal transcript and the latest report card. Here in CT, report cards are quarterly and school doesn’t end until June 10th.

On the application itself, it says that “Please note, your transcript MUST show your full name, high school name, all grades earned from 9th grade through the current term (Spring 2021), and your cumulative GPA, if applicable. If you upload a document that does not contain all required fields, your application may be rendered ineligible." My transcript goes until the first semester of this academic school year and says my current classes that I am taking this semester. They also have examples of what it should look like on the application too. :slight_smile:


What about the Rural and Small Town Recognition Program? Has anyone received an invitation for recognition? My son is a Junior HS who took his PSAT last October and got 1450, but no invitation. We are from a small town high school.

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Wow, he’s gonna qualify with a 1450! Congrats! You are giving me hope that maybe these have not been sent out yet?! My son got a 1320, which I’m not super-confident is going to qualify him, but I’m hopeful. You may have seen that a number of these “small town rural” high schools are actually huge high schools in suburbs, some in rather affluent areas. It’s kind of crazy. Have you tried calling or emailing to ask about this? I emailed, but no response. Let’s all keep each other updated here.

Is your town on the list? On the college board website, there is a website that tells you if your town/city is considered small or rural

I called and spoke with a customer representative but all she read to me was everything on the website. I emailed but no response. My son goes to a rural high school in a very small town. Hoping they are just late on the invitation especially if no one on the Rural and Small Town Recognition Program has been invited yet.

Can you post the link to this part of the website so I can verify if his school is included in the list? Thank you.

I’m not sure where it is??! I’m sorry! I saw it the other day and I can’t find it right now. You could probably google it. If you are definitely rural/small town, and your school is not on the list…I’d think you could self-nominate? Let me know if your son’s school is on the list! Fingers crossed!

Super curious how your counselor found out…since none of us can seem to get anyone on the phone that knows anything. Did he/she call them? Thanks!

Honestly I’m not sure how she found out (she didn’t specify) but she did state that the Jan PSAT counted and they would be notified in May. I still have my own deadline of May 17th before I self submit just in case. The fact the I don’t know anyone from the Jan PSAT that got notified is what is making me believe her.

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@franknd posted a link to what appears to be last year’s list of rural schools a few days ago:

College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022 - Specialty College Admissions Topics / Hispanic Students - College Confidential Forums

Thank you! Our high school is on the list!

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@2CollegeHoosiers @EcuadorianMom

Regarding the transcript, at least until last year, one the eligibility requirement was “Earn a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher by the middle of their junior year

Introducing the College Board National Recognition Programs

As long as you provide enough info to justify cumulative GPA at middle of Junior year it seems that you should be OK.

So if they’re extending the invitation to sophomores, you would assume that as long as you have a 3.5 or higher by the middle of your sophomore year, you should be fine. Honestly, we were surprised by the invitation this year so if it turns out that he as a sophomore doesn’t make it, we wont be that disappointed. I have an older teen who is applying to colleges this fall and he’s the one giving me gray hairs right now. He seems to think that turning in homework is optional. lol

Right. I forgot that you received an invitation under the new sophomore qualification option. In your case, it makes sense to assume that you should be fine with a 3.5 or higher by the middle of the sophomore year. And if it does not work out this year, I suppose that you could try again next year.

@willsworld pointed out earlier that more info is provided when applying. Make sure you comply:

College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022 - Specialty College Admissions Topics / Hispanic Students - College Confidential Forums

HI! Did anyone who is African American in California or AZ get a 1330 or under and qualify?

I just heard from College board regarding the cutoff for PSAT in Texas-“The minimum PSAT score for the National Hispanic Recognition Program, for students from the state of Texas, is 1110. Scores above this would indicate being in the top 10%.”

My son got a 1260 in the Oct 2020 test, so he should qualify on this alone, but we still have not gotten an email. We submitted an application a couple of days ago. Has anyone else gotten an invite in Texas with similar score (for the Hispanic award)?