College Board SAT book, I need help with math question


The decimal number above consists of only 1’s and 0’s to the right of the decimal point. The first 1 is followed by one 0, the second 1 is followed by two 0’s, the third 1 is followed by three 0’s and so on.
What is the total number of 0’s between the 98th and the 101st 1 in this decimal number?

Someone said we shouldn’t add up 101, but I don’t get it… It says between 98th and 101st, So why not add up 101 at the end also?

How many zeros between 5 and 7 in this example

50000007? Six
500000070000? Still six!

is that the same case as the question? I don’t think I get it…

@chbabe How many 0’s are between the second 1 and the fifth 1?

I think you are making a reading mistake more than a math mistake. You are not quite focusing enough on the meaning of the word “between”. (And I am not teasing at all – I see this mistake pretty often.)

Try thinking of the 1’s as lamp-posts and the 0’s as miles between each post. If I asked you to find the distance BETWEEN post 98 and post 101, you would not add in those last 101 miles. You would stop when you arrived at post 101. Those last 101 miles are BETWEEN post 101 and post 102 but they are NOT between post 98 and post 101.

If this was all too obvious and dumb, please ignore…

Thank you so much! I just understood from your explanation! Have a nice day :’)