College Chances??

<p>Hey guys I am an a senior and I just wanted some information on my chances to get into Uc Riverside, Santa Cruz, or Davis. I plan to major in Bioenginerring or Computer engineering . My academic gpa is 3.2, my sat is 1600 but I will be retaking it in November. I have done a few extracurricular activities but no sports. Any feedback will be appreciated.</p>

<p>UCR: Match
UCSC: High match
UCD: Reach</p>

<p>Are you from California? If out of state, they require at least a 3.4 GPA. If in state, with a higher SAT i think you can get into UCR, UCSC but UCD will still be a low reach. Good luck with everything!</p>

<p>The ratings I gave were for the in-state case.</p>

<p>I am from California and thanks for the responses!!! I am kind of worried because my gpa is low for Uc standards</p>