College Class of 2025 Waitlist Thread

My daughter chose a different school. So all is not lost. Good luck to her.

My daughter chose a different school. All is not lost. Good luck to her.

You should be proceeding like it’s a “no” from Midd. If they had new information for you they would share it.

I am but I think it’s just not very nice of them to keep on dragging like this whilst other schools are closing their waitlists. I love my current LAC in LA it has everything right for me.

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At this point, it is all about “melt”.

As admitted/committed students withdraw for whatever reason, Admissions needs to fill the bed.

In a typical year, there is some melt. An atypical year like this one, I think there may be more melt than normal.

Its no one’s fault.

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So when does melt typically happen?


But keep in mind that some schools are a bit overenrolled right now and busting at the seams for housing so if they lose a student, they may be less likely to replace them.


Tulane closed their waitlist

Would you guys think NYU would have a melt.

Not sure about NYU, itself, but Washington Square Park has in effect become overrun… Not WSP that I remembered and loved in yesteryear

By overrun do you mean over enrolled?

I was referring to watch lies outside of the school (Washington Square Park). The park, where much of the student body congregates, relaxes, socializes, studies, etc … has not been so upstanding … Lots of negative press on the park … No issues at the school (that I am aware of)

Best wishes

This! A lot of schools are overenrolled. So much so that I think they will be happy to have some melt and won’t make any effort to replace them.

Every day another shool is announcing they are closing their waitlist. I don’t think that’s all too common.

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The park has been that way for years, but the school and neighborhoods around the park are high end neighborhoods, so that won’t really deter people from going there, unless it was already going to. Same with a school like UT-Austin where there are homeless all over the place but it’s not deterring anyone (or very few) from going there as there are many top programs in the country there. Many other similar stories at other shools.

I agree … but worse than ever these days . I am a Nyer through and through … It’s like Tompkins Sq park in the 80s…

Not talking about homeless at all… #it’s the disorder

The school will always operate with excellence … and NYU owns all the surrounding prop

My husband is also a NY’er so I know what you mean.

We live in Chicago and there is just too much divisiveness. It didn’t have to be this way, but now everyone needs to work together to get it under control.

My kids looked at NYU and just found it too urban of a campus, they wanted “real” college campuses and I don’t blame them. I had both experiences and it’s definitely more fun being on a true college campus and feeling more a part of things but everyone ultimately picks what works for them. :slight_smile: and somehow over 100k people wanted to go to NYU this year, so there is that too. Lol

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Do you guys think it’s over for me and NYU?

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Agree !

Son was on waitlist for Grainger Engineering at UIUC and received the following email yesterday “CoE has filled all available seats in its freshman class and we’re unable to offer you admission”.