College Class of 2025 Waitlist Thread

Hello Yale AO,

In case you’re perusing CC’s Class of 2025 WL Thread, can you please send a signal, a sign, an email, a call, a portal update…an INVITE ?

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Thanks. Any hopes of getting off WL in Emory.

In this pandemic specially for out state students they should inform studnets early as it is taking lot of time for visa process. If wl results are delayed it will be very difficult to reverse i20 process and lot of hassles. So request if anyone from AO here please consider this.

Out state

Good point. Pandemic is impacting ability of international students to get visas which will affect ability to accept offers, which in turn may end up impacting wait list movement. And, if the waitlist student who receives the offer is international it’s the same issue. Extra stress for you, am sorry to hear it.

For so many reasons, I think there will be significant waitlist activity well into July this year.

Yes exactly

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Had your child gotten in anywhere in the states that you can start the visa process?

Till july international students won’t be able to wait at all. As there are many things which we need to look like housing etc. and very important have to prepare mentally for the college already selected as this waitlist gives hope till rejection letter actually comes.

Yes we have got but visa is given for college which is accepted and reversing that visa process for other college is very difficult

Colleges / universities need to consider the students and their families, and less about their own “status or rankings” …

Kids and their families put in tons of effort to be in this position… at the least, keep WLers abreast of what’s going on …

Yes … we all know about plans B and C, which is a must … We did our part, do yours

PS, I’m saying this very nicely… without hostility… Just want a Yay or Nay


Haven’t many schools already said they’re full or overenrolled? If you’ve accepted admission somewhere I would plan on attending that school and start the visa process. I wouldn’t hold out hope for any waitlist.


That is true but Emory specifically sent out an email to WLed kids saying they’d start accepting off of it in mid to late May. That said, this year is absolute insanity so we will see what happens! I agree everyone should plan to attend where they put their deposit though.


Yes many colleges have sent letter saying they will be sending waitlist decision.

I read on a NOVA board that VA Tech has closed its waitlist. This is crushing to many high stats kids who would have made it in previous years.

Wish everyone good luck with their college destinations!


And waitlist is for early decision and early action. So have hopes.

Yeah many schools have done that and I saw that Dean J said UVa will not be taking many either. My son declined UvA so hopefully that opened up a spot for someone unless it just helped them not overenroll. Unfortunately, I think many kids who would’ve gotten into Ivies in past years did not and they wound up committing to the next tier of schools so unless some of those kids are waitlisted and accepted at Ivies then I wouldn’t expect much movement at all at any of the other schools.

My son is on 3 but at this point wouldn’t accept a spot at any of them most likely. He’s already found a roommate, taken placement tests, signed up for orientation and is heavily involved in the school activities. He couldn’t imagine having to start fresh and from behind to switch to a different school. It would have to be one that he’s so in love with that he views is so much better also which none of those are. So this is all something people need to consider.

Is Emory really worth all of that for those waiting? Is VaTech? Is Michigan? Etc? If you’re an international it’s even harder so I would say none of them are worth it if the visa process makes it harder and there’s a chance you can’t get it completed especially if there might be vaccine requirements someone needs to complete.

Anyway, just something to consider for everyone waiting


Would you know anything about NYU

(Worth it) …Is Yale ?? :blush:

All the best to you, to us and to all

#1 is to stay healthy and happy :blush:

Well, that’s only for you to decide, but Yale has a waitlist of 1020 students and many students deferred from last year. As it is, they only accepted 1,332 students. So with those numbers, the odds are very slim. Depending on what your second choice is, I wouldn’t count on getting off of that list and would probably move on. If accepted later, you can always switch, but those odds seem slim.