<p>I go to a school of about 1600 where there are plenty (15+) of AP classes that I am utilizing. I notice, however, that many CC posters have taken college courses somewhere. How detrimental would it be if I don't take a college class? I am currently a Junior. The only college near me is MATC (Tech College) or UWM (Milwaukee not Madison). If I challenge myself with AP's, are college courses that necessary?</p>
<p>Note. College courses can be impressive but they do not give you that much of a boost. It just shows that you tried very hard to get into an advanced course in middle school. Many kids from my high school take the harvard multivariable calculus and linear algebra course but most of them were deferred from harvard and mit. </p>
<h2>it just tells you, they can't weigh THAT much.</h2>