College Data website and info on Latino scholarships

<p>Yesterday I attended an all-day workshop on college and money issues. Although it has been around for a couple of years; I wanted to bring to everyone's attention the website CollegeData:</a> College Search, Financial Aid, College Application, College Scholarship, Student Loan, FAFSA Info, Common Application because it will give information on which schools give special scholarships for Latino students. </p>

<p>If you enter a particular school's name and click on it then click again to the "money matters" section you can scroll down to close to the bottom under non-need awards. Examine this section to see if they list "awards to minorities" or "awards for ethnic background" or "awards to first generation". Here is Georgia Tech's as an example. Georgia</a> Institute of Technology Tuition, Costs and Financial Aid - CollegeData College Profile</p>

<p>Some schools even give the amount of this special scholarships. I thought this website would be helpful in letting you know right away if scholarships are available to Latinos. Of course always go to the school's website for the specific source but can at least help you narrow down your search. </p>

<p>I also found the website incredibly helpful for other issues such as calculating net price and admission data.</p>

<p>Looks like an excellent resource, thanks itsv!</p>