College Decision-UW-Madison or Carleton College

<p>I'm trying to decide whether I should attend the University of Wisconsin-Madison or Carleton College. Both schools have beautiful campuses and brilliant reputations, but they differ in a few distinct ideas/resources.</p>

<p>I was hoping someone could provide me with experiences/suggestions about the two schools if in fact they are knowledgeable of both institutions. I plan on majoring in Biology/Physics with the intention to continue to medical school. I also am very interested in undergraduate research and/or helping with studies. I need to make my decision soon. Thank you.</p>

<p>I never heard that Carleton was well known or had the same reputation as UW. Carleton brilliant??? If your goal is medical school you can go to either school or many others for similar chances at getting into medical school. </p>

<p>You are unlikely to choose a double major at in Biology and Physics at UW. Typically students will choose a biology related major, not just general biology. Majors are comprehensive- there are no minors. Check the course requirements for majors at each school. You will find 3 different chemistry courses you can take as a freshman at UW, depending on your background and goals. Does Carleton lump everyone together- those taking Chemistry because they are medical school wanna be’s with those serious about Chemistry for its own sake? Likewise you may wait until you have had Organic Chemistry to take the Biocore sequence instead of one of the introductory zoology courses and botany courses. There are undergrad research opportunities at UW. Have no idea what you mean by “helping with studies”. An undergrad should be using their time to educate themselves. Grad students help teach students- I wouldn’t want a mere undergrad in charge of any discussion sessions or labs! A few senior math majors may get jobs in the Math Lab which offers help in lower level math classes (through some calculus).</p>

<p>You need to decide if you want the small liberal arts college atmosphere with limited course offerings or the large research U with excellent science Honors classes and Honors program. More independence is likely required at UW, no big deal for those who choose it.</p>

<p>Regarding premed intentions. Have options in mind other than medical school since less than half interested will go. What do you plan to do with your college degree if not medical school? Grad school? A job? I suspect that once you are in any college you will further define your interests as biology and physics are opposites within the STEM majors. Plenty of students at UW plan a premed program but you will also find many more taking the STEM classes for other purposes. Some LACs do tend to have a high percentage of students going on to medical school (remember percentages can be higher with smaller pools) but large U’s like UW will have many more NOT interested in med school taking the science courses.</p>

<p>Choose the school whose academic offerings and requirements most suit you. If you choose Carleton there will be a grateful UW freshman happy to take your place.</p>

<p>Thank you wis75. I would still like a little more input from others, possibly from the Carleton prospective. </p>

<p>Also, the"help with studies" was NOT referring to teaching positions/tutoring but rather studies such as research with the idea of being less involved in its actual workings/publication.</p>

<p>I think Carleton is well known as one of the top 2 LACs in the midwest and Top 10 in the US. I think either can provide excellent prep for nay med or grad school. Really need to decide whether you prefer small and very good or large and very good.</p>

<p>Is cost a concern of yours?</p>

<p>As of right now, the cost is about the same for both schools. I would love to see it lowered, but it is acceptable for both.</p>