College Essay advice, opinions needed.

<p>I am applying to numerous schools but have catered this specific essay towards VU, my first choice for the Fall. Can anyone with experience in admissions or has created a successful transfer essay read mine and give me feed back? Thanks, post.</p>

<p>PS is three pages double-spaced 937 word count seem to long? Consider that there is only one required essay, the common app one.</p>

<p>I’m sorry that I’m not as experienced, but my two-cents is that the essay should be shortened down somewhat. </p>

<p>I’m thinking they want roughly around 600 words. But I really don’t know much about the common app, so I’m sorry that this might not even help you haha. </p>

<p>I’m writing one essay myself, but I know that the limit is around 600.</p>

<p>Is this limit of 600 explicitly stated on the Common Application? If yes, where?</p>

<p>FixYou: I’m not sure if it is. I’m not doing the Common App. I’m doing the applications that the schools provide individually.</p>

<p>With that said, you should definitely double check about my previous response. I’m not sure it’s 600, but normally I would think that college admission officers wouldn’t want to read an extensive type of essay. But then again, I don’t think 900 words aren’t bad so… </p>

<p>haha sorry!</p>

<p>I would not recommend submitting a 3 page essay… double-spaced or not. If it’s the Great American Novel, and gripping from word one to the very end, you might hold the reader’s attention. Otherwise, not highly likely.</p>

<p>Have you tried editing it down? Virtually every essay improves with cuts of extraneous and wordy material.</p>

<p>Hey, I’d love to read the essay and help you out. :slight_smile: PM.</p>

<p>I have a feeling it might be too long, but I don’t know what to cut!</p>

<p>i can help u out! PM it to me if u want</p>