<p>Well its seems in college finals are more important than high schools finals so i wondering what happens if you fail your final.</p>
<p>Depends on how you’re doing in the class, and how much your teacher weights it.</p>
<p>It totally depends. Most of my classes have finals worth about 20-30% of our semester grade which isn’t any different than high school (finals at my high school were worth 25% of our overall grade)…</p>
<p>It honestly depends on your grades prior to the final, and how much it is worth.</p>
<p>Get out your syllabus and your graded and returned work, and plug the grades you’ve already gotten into the grading formula. Then you can either figure out what is the lowest grad you can get on the final and still get a particular grade in the course, or plug in a few different grades that you think you might get on the final and see what grade you’ll get in the course if you get those grades on the final.</p>
<p>Could just ruin all the hard work you’d done all semester… maybe bring an A- down to like a B or something, or a B+ down to a B-. Obviously depends on how much it’s worth, like everyone has said… and how badly you fail (i.e. a 58 vs a 40). If you weren’t doing great to begin with, maybe like C, C- territory, you’re potentially kinda screwed.</p>
<p>This grading scheme is fairly representative of the classes I’ve had.</p>
<p>^ That’s crazy! I haven’t had a class where the final was worth more than 30% of my grade which as I said in my previous post isn’t any different than it was for me in high school.</p>
<p>Most classes I’ve had are based off:</p>
<p>Midterm (20%)
Final (25%)
Term paper (25%)
Tests/Quizzes (20%)
Participation (10%)</p>
<p>If participation isn’t included, then short papers take the place of that.</p>
<p>Of course, this is not representative of every class, but it’s what I’ve found to be fairly standard…although in one of my classes last semester, the term paper was only worth 10%.</p>
<p>I have to assume you’re a humanities major and ThisCouldBeHeavn isn’t. Because for obvious reasons, more technical classes don’t tend to have term papers.</p>
<p>I had a class last quarter where my “mid term” was 50% of my grade and my “final” was the other 50% of my grade. Needless to say, I believe I was one of only about 3 people (in a class of about 300-400) to 4.0 it… that was pretty ridiculous in my opinion and I really hope I don’t have that happen again.</p>
<p>“Get out your syllabus and your graded and returned work, and plug the grades you’ve already gotten into the grading formula. Then you can either figure out what is the lowest grad you can get on the final and still get a particular grade in the course, or plug in a few different grades that you think you might get on the final and see what grade you’ll get in the course if you get those grades on the final.”</p>
<p>they chop your willy off.</p>
<p>amarkov - I’m actually a nursing major, but I go to a LAC so there are many CORE (gen ed) requirements so most of my classes this year fulfill those.</p>
<p>Makes sense then. Now I’m all curious what a term paper for a science course would look like…</p>
<p>I’m a math major.</p>
<p>*math course</p>
<p>I don’t even have finals this year, but I guess my school’s weird. Mostly just term papers.</p>