College GPA low

I graduated last December with a 2.8 GPA…I got a B.S. and majored in Biology…I am really bummed out my GPA is alot lower than I wanted it to be and now I am ashamed to send transcripts or tell anyone my GPA…I still dont have a job yet and its likely because of this…the program I was in was challenging maybe too challenging because now my GPA is affected. For 4 years I had no life I just lived in my room or at the library studying most of the time…never went to a single party mind you…I just feel like I wasted 4 years of my life all because my GPA is not up to par. I am not sure what to do now its too late to retake classes…any advice?

I should also mention that I ended up getting panic attacks over the stress I was under during this time…which didnt help my GPA either

What had you planned on doing with a BS in biology? You could apply for some tech positions, but they don’t pay a lot.

Some ideas;

  1. Go to grad school and do better
  2. Go back to school and obtain a similar degree (chemistry, environmental science, etc) and make sure you do better
  3. Whats your cumulative GPA or Biology GPA; if one’s better than the other, just put that and hope wherever you apply they don’t ask about the other?
  4. Was the program itself challenging or was it challenging for you? For example; a 2.8 from Harvard still looks good.
  5. Just send your resume out to everywhere you can; it’s not like they add your name to a database. The worst that happens is you get rejected and they don’t remember your name. Chances are if you get an interview, they will accept your gpa at that point.
  6. Where did you wanna work prior to getting a low gpa? You could try and work a less-prestigious job at that industry and work your way up.