<p>Starting to look into festivities for DS's upcoming graduation. As he will be working after graduation in the city where he currently attends school, its not likely he'll be coming home, so we are not currently planning a party at home. However, I may consider hosting one and having DS fly home for it.</p>
<p>I was looking into hosting a reception of some sort during the graduation weekend for DS, family and DS's friends/family (some are interested in doing something together) but there doesn't look like there is a lot of free time. There are a lot of events scheduled over the graduation weekend. I will have to look more closely at the schedule to see when there is free time for a gathering.</p>
<p>Here's the tough part. Who do we invite to graduation and what are we expected to pay for? We will invite older S and his GF, and my DH's S, but my bro and his wife are estranged from the family so I will probably not invite them. If we invite DH's (older) moocher bro, he will bring his family of 5 and expect us to pay for everything. Yes, everything. He will probably drive them down, but we would be expected to pay for hotels, parking, all meals, you name it. My DH thinks this is fine. I do not. When DH has been "summoned" to show up at their events (he is typically told with only a few days notice that one of the nephews is graduating from cc or something, even middle son's graduation from 4 yr college was a last minute "oh by the way he is graduating tomorrow. Fly up)" and my DH is expected to drop everything, fly up at great expense (last minute tix are expensive) and then DH pays for most or all meals. Yup. Thats the drill. DH pays for their family AND their extended family. Needless to say I dont typically go along, as I don't agree with this, but my DH thinks its no big deal. Dont even get me started. </p>
<p>At least one of the graduation events will require tickets and there will NOT be enough tickets for their entire family. I do NOT want my older s, gf or SIL to sacrifice to let the nephews go (though they would offer). I would like to perhaps invite only BIL and his wife (other SIL) but they will probably come up with a reason why all of them need to come because they hav never seen this city and its a fun city. </p>
<p>DH and I already have exchanged a few words about this graduation. I do NOT want His B's family, who make everything all about them, and they are sure to have a medical crisis or 2 as is their pattern, to take over and ruin our S's event, nor do I want to pay for their free vacation. He disagrees and thinks its just money. </p>
<p>I adore his sister (my other SIL) and she has already learned to keep her wallet closed and will NOT pay for her brother's expenses. I am already anticipating a large stress-related black cloud over the graduation weekend if they come as DH will pay for everything and I will have to shut up. It is frustrating. This dynamic is longstanding and DH thinks I am making a big deal about nothing. </p>
<p>I would like to have a fun graduation weekend (I didnt get to go to older s's college graduation as it was the same day as younger s's HS graduation in different states). but this issue with moocher BIL is a serious sore spot. I am happy to pay for some of the activities, but after 28 years, I know full well what will happen. We will be paying for their hotel and meals. My DH is ok with this. I am not. I have suggested we invite just BIL and his wife and let them know tickets to some events (well, really only one) are limited. DH thinks just his bro will show up. I am certain he'll see it as an opportunity for a free family vacation, as he has in the past. And since none of his 3 kids are employed, its not like they will be missing much. Two are out of school, but not doing anything as far as I know. </p>
<p>So I vent here because DH won't hear it. His compromise is to say he wont "offer" to pay for the hotel. I woud be very surprised if we didnt end up getting somehow stuck with the hotel bill. </p>
<p>Frustrating situation, and a longstanding family duynamic that is a constant sore spot.</p>
<p>I thought DH saw how much his bro takes advantage of him. SIL has for sure, and has learned to say NO. My DH has not :(</p>