College Help

Hello All…looking for some suggestions for a college for my daughter…here is the criteria : small to mid-size, near or in a city, liberal arts /open curriculum a bonus but not a must, eclectic artsy feel, doesn’t need huge Greek life or football culture, good music department and accepting fun environment…
We live in PA and would like East Coast but is considering looking at university of Denver. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank You!!

stats and budget

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Would like to keep under 40k. Very talented music hoping for possible merit. Not great GPA freshman year but past year junior 4.0. So probably around 3.4. Hasn’t taken SAT yet took PSAT two years ago around 1100. Definitely not Ivy League but a solid interesting kid who is passionate about environment and social issues. Thanks for suggestions….really appreciate it. She’s my third and the other two were more clear cut I feel very unsure

U Rochester (NY) if the NPC works out for you. Mid sized, in Rochester but with a campus bubble, open curriculum - don’t know for sure about an artsy feel though. Eclectic yes. Good music, accepting environment. They’re a research school, so that might not appeal.

ETA: Stats probably won’t work for that school, sorry. I’m not as up on music schools otherwise, so will let others fill in more.

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Is she looking to major in music? Or just be able to pursue it on the side?

Will she study music? There are chains about this. I think UR and even Oberlin are too optimistic, especially if she will be TO. The ones I always hear are Lawrence and St. Olaf - but $40K might not work unless you have need.

You need to find a school like Florida State that will cost about $40K - but - that is a reach as well - and at least last year, Florida wasn’t test optional.

Maybe these chains will help:

B.M. for someone who is a stronger musician than he is an student? - College Majors / Music Major - College Confidential Forums

Music Merit Awards: Class of 2024 - College Majors / Music Major - College Confidential Forums

If she’d be willing to go west, I highly recommend University of Puget Sound. Great music program which offers nice talent scholarships. She would get merit aid in addition with her GPA. Tacoma is an up and coming, fun little city with easy access to Seattle.

Seconding UPuget Sound, St Olaf. Lawrence worth a try, too. Would be reachable reaches, especially if she applies for a music scholarship and fills the Request Info form now.
Luther and Concordia-Moorhead both have excellent music programs. Both matches.
On the East Coast, look at Wheaton Massachusetts (there are 2 Wheatons), perhaps Simmons, Goucher.

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Love these suggestions these are schools I wouldn’t have thought of!

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UNC Asheville

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I was also going to suggest UNC-Asheville.

Appalachian State University is a little bigger but might feel smaller and they have a good music department.