College Honors

Hey, so first off just wanted to say that I did read other the other threads about this, but wanted to get more up to date answers and have slightly different questions. Also, I am a transfer student.

  1. When the application says “I have read the information above and understand my commitment to the program. I understand that by the end of my first year to fulfill the following: completion of 8 units of Honors coursework with a minimum 3.3 cumulative UCLA GPA.” does that mean that if I do not fulfill these requirements that something bad will happen or will I just be kicked out of the program and can go on with life as if I was never in it?

  2. What are the benefits/disadvantages of the program? (And how priority enrollment, if still offered, would work for a transfer student who will hopefully attend orientation on July 18)

  3. Can you also be in another honors program at the same time? (Like departmental honors- still kinda confused about what this is though)

Thank you!