College Interview Traps??????

<p>I just received an email from a Duke alumnus asking for an ‘informal’ interview with me. I’ve been looking around the forum here about interviews and I was just wandering if those of you who have already gone through the process have any tips/things to avoid etc.</p>

<p>And also a few questions

  1. “What other colleges are you applying to?” Im applying to like 7 other schools (2 early actions), but i dont want to sound like duke is not really important for me or something…if the interviewer asks what do i say???</p>

<li><p>Interviews…Im quite sure that they’re not going to be a deciding factor (changing you from a denial to an accepted) but how important is it? If you give a very good impression and one that is fitting to the school, how much will it actually change>???</p></li>
<li><p>Many have supposedly been taken out to a drink, been invited to their house, gone to TGI fridays (my favorite!!)…they pay right??It’d be awkward if the bill comes and there’s sudden silence…</p></li>

<li><p>There are lots of approaches to this (do a Search to find threads), so what you say will depend on what you’re comfortable with. About the EA schools, you don’t have to explain that you applied early, and if you do tell them, you can say that due to financial considerations you couldn’t apply to Duke ED, but you really love it because of X, Y & Z.</p></li>
<li><p>Most people I know of meet for coffee, not dinners. My advice: get there early and order and pay for your own drink.</p></li>

<p>It’s standard that the interviewer pays. Don’t sweat it. </p>

<p>When it’s your time to interview potential employees, it’ll be on your dime! LOL</p>

<li>I’ll tell you all the other colleges I’m applying to if you tell me the names of all the other students you’re considering! :slight_smile: (I wouldn’t do that, but I’m always tempted!)</li>