<p>easilyfreakedout: </p>
<p>RE: “But when I was there, the campus was pretty empty and not many people seemed welcoming. Maybe it was just a bad day?” </p>
<p>Mid-April would have been just before Finals Week of Spring semester, for what it’s worth. Usually Spring semester ends at the end of April/early May so people should have been either in the library or at home studying. The other thing is, if you look like a college student and you’re walking around on a campus, people are just going to assume you go there and probably not going to approach you because they figure you’re on your way to do something. </p>
<p>In any case, I’d encourage you to stop by again at the beginning of this Fall semester (classes start on Monday, August 23rd - come on by). Then come tailgate when we open our football stadium on October 15th. It’s going to be a pretty awesome day.</p>
<p>RE: “And I’m just wondering, what was the best thing about FAU that you liked? (The atmosphere/campus, education, faculty, food etc.)”</p>
<p>I met some great people in my sophomore year, who in turn ended up introducing me to their friends, and over a course of 1-2 months I suddenly had 10-15 people to hang out with on campus. We hung out in the dorms, we partied, we went to campus events, the whole bit. So even though I was a commuter, I was still connected to campus life in a big way. And you know what? They’re still my friends today. We’re still talking about how we miss it.</p>
<p>Outside of that, I do love the campus. It’s not red brick, collegiate gothic because it’s south Florida and it’s a heat/cost issue to do that kind of thing here. But it’s clean, it’s incredibly safe, the Breezeway keeps you out of the sun and the rain, the new Breezeway Cafe, bookstore, rec center (with pool) and a bunch of other cool stuff is coming online. It’s really exciting and when I go down to south Florida next week (I’m in Gainesville, which sucks) visiting campus is going to be one of my first priorities. </p>
<p>I also had some great conversations with professors and took some really interesting classes. Had nothing to do with my major (medicine) but still very interesting. Like a sociology class about sexism in Disney movies, a geography class called World of Wines with wine tastings, 3D art classes, paleontology, stuff like that. In fact, my paleo professor offered to buy me a beer one day.</p>
<p>So yeah. That’s why I’m here. Because I loved FAU. Not everybody did, but more and more people are feeling the way I do. The school’s seriously on the verge of exploding</p>