college junk mail - and the winner is....

<p>University of Evansville.</p>

<p>It was the first college-related mailing my D, then a HS sophomore, received. Since then we have continued to receive monthly, sometimes weekly, literature from them. This despite the fact that we are not a neighboring state, and D has never contacted them or otherwise expressed interest in the school.</p>

<p>D remarked this morning, staring at the latest un-opened envelope, that <em>had</em> she been interested, this non-green barrage of junk mail would have turned her off to the school.</p>

<p>If anyone from admissions is reading this, please take note. You can overdo a good thing!</p>

<p>What? Has mail service from St. Louis been suspended?</p>

<p>De Pauw U (in Indiana). A veritable barrage. We have no earthly idea why.</p>

<p>LOL, NewHope! That was the winner around here.</p>

<p>Drexel. I've been getting stuff from them since freshman year. -.-</p>

<p>Roosevelt University in Chicago...never heard of it, but darn if they didn't have the Mayor of Chicago send us mail and other assorted "representatives"...and darn if it stil isn't coming : &lt;/p>

<p>Baldwin Wallace in VA. We continued to get glossy information, applications, letters, scholarship offers, emails, calls even after DD graduated and had indicated she was enrolling elsewhere. She never applied or showed any interest in the school. .</p>

<p>Villa Julie College in Maryland, even now after notifying that she was enrolling elsewhere....she has commented more than once that they are "stalking"her. I hate that the school is wasting that money....</p>

<p>WashU. Hands down.</p>

<p>Now that last candidate surprises me. My hypothesis was that the amount of junk mail is inversely proportional to the school's reputation.</p>

<p>"What? Has mail service from St. Louis been suspended?"</p>

<p>I nominate that for Post of the Day!</p>

<p>I love the emails that say "We've been trying to reach you. Has your email address changed?" Told DS he wasn't allowed to go anywhere that would send something so stupid!</p>

<p>Wow! It surprises me that the last candidate can surprise anyone...</p>

<p>They must've suspended the mail service from St. Louis indeed!</p>

<p>Or have the times changed? Is WUSTL resting now, having satisfied its goal and having no more need in shameless advertisement?</p>

<p>My daughter is getting phone calls to make sure she got the junk mail. I think they don't fall under Do Not Call List because they're not really selling anything or because they're nonprofit....</p>

<p>On one the caller ID came up as being from one college but the name the telemarketer gave was a completely different college in the same state. That was interesting.</p>

<p>It does amaze me that my son gets mail from schools (like WAsh U) that I know would never admit him.</p>

<p>My local favorite is Texas A&M Commerce...they've practically offered him a free ride via junk mail....kind of tempting.....</p>

<p>The University of Evansville was high on my list too. But hey, if it weren't private and expensive, I almost applied;)</p>

<p>Another one that sent me a ton of stuff was Old Dominion University out of Ohio I think. Seemed like it was every few days.</p>

<p>According to my D, Azusa Pacific is the biggest tree killer among colleges.</p>

<p>Kettering University. S never expressed any interest. They used to call frequently too. Not sure how they got the phone number....</p>

<p>I'm still getting junk mail from Neumont University. The application process is OVER for christ's sake!!</p>

<p>My daughter started getting a bunch of mail from both Bucknell and WashU in 10th grade. Both of them finally gave up.</p>