So I went to a university my first year as a freshmen. Had a 4.0 and then transferred to a different school. A “better” university with more opportunities. In that university I did horribly my sophomore year, my yearly gpa dipped below a 2 which didn’t meet the university’s requirements. So they kicked me out for a semester before I came back. That semester I came back my gpa dipped again below a 2 (when I do bad, it just gets worse. I just can’t handle it at all). And now I’m kicked out again and I can’t go back to the university. I am under academic dismissal, and I have no idea what to do now. What options do I have now that I’ve dropped out. Can I apply to a community college? What should should I do? Please help. My reasons for doing poorly don’t really matter tbh, no health issues from my knowledge, just sadness and lack of social interaction I suppose (I had friends in my previous institute where I studied and discussed with them but had a hard time making friends in the new one). Disinterest in the major as well (biochem). Please let me know what I can do. This is is probably the wrong forum to post in
Why not contact the university you attended as a freshman and see if they will give you another chance? The worst they can say is no. You’ve demonstrated to them that you have the ability to do well at their school so they might consider it. And community college is always an option if that doesn’t work. And obviously you are in the wrong major.
But more importantly, you should sort out what was going on at the school from which you were dismissed. You say no health issues, but I’m seeing potentially some mental health issues: depression perhaps, and maybe other issues as well. You really should speak to a clinical psychologist before returning to college yet again. (Did you go to your counseling center on campus?) When you get into that downward spiral, it sounds like you haven’t figured out in time that you need help, so this may be a place to start - recognizing what stresses you and how to react more constructively when the pressure mounts, as it invariably will again at some point in your life.
I agree that your first priority is taking care of yourself. Get a physical, and mention your struggles to your physician. I imagine he/she will refer you to a counselor who can help you talk through your struggles. Before you even think about going back to college, you want to be confident that you are physically and mentally in good shape.
Sometimes just talking to a counselor can help you realize where your troubles are coming from.
You have failed twice at college, after succeeding your first year. Don’t just jump back into the college system without taking time and effort to make sure you are able to be successful this time around. There is no normal way to do college. You might need some time off to work before you return to academics. Read through this forum and you’ll discover lots of stories of students who started/stopped college and took several extra years to complete their degree. There are many ways to get there, and your job is to figure out which way works best for you.
Since I am in acadmic dismissal/drop, there are certain colleges I cannot apply to, so I’m stuck as to what exactly needs to be done. I’m going to talk to my former advisor tomorrow and hopefully be able to figure something out. Are the community colleges in Georgia that take students who are on academic dismissal (not good standing)? I’m trying to find some but can’t/they don’t pick up their phone/their website doesn’t have enough information. Please reply, thank you.
I called my old school and they said that I need to be in good standing to be readmitted back to their school. But how am i supposed to do that when I can’t get in anywhere?
The normal path is to do a year at community college. Do well so transfer schools will know you can handle it. Maybe explore a new major.
But first get yourself some help. Go to school in January.