College life compared to High School Life

<p>I know this has been asked before, but how does your college life compare to your high school life? Better? Worse? Are you able to better balance your academic life with your social life?</p>

<p>Hard to say.


<p>IDK, just a guess haha</p>

<p>Does masterbation count?</p>

<p>In the words of Mel Gibson:</p>


<p>unless you go close to home and live with your parents
or do the whole military thing</p>

Does masterbation count?


<p>hmm....C-o-l-l-e-g-e l-i-f-e</p>

<p>Yep, that spells masturbation if you read between the lines.</p>

<p>My college life is infinitely better, if busier. Schoolwork is of course harder (esp. for me, as my high school was pathetic), but I manage. My social life is the best part; I have alot more friends now, with more similar interests (most of my hs friends were my friends just bc I'd known them since 7th grade).</p>

<p>would have to say different and overall better, but there are a hell of a lot of challenges in college that werent' around in HS</p>

<p>Infinitely better.</p>

<p>more exotic.</p>

<p>I'd say definitely better. I know tons of interesting people from all over the world, I have more freedom, I get to live nearby my closest friends and see them whenever I want...Of course, college is also more work, but I think I balance work out with fun rather nicely.</p>

<p>Hmmm, college.... Away from your parents, basically your own place, tons of a-ss walking around, more freedom than you could possibly imagine... </p>

<p>Definitely not. I pick high school.</p>

<p>how can it be any worse than high school? sure, there are cool people in high school, but unless you love being sheltered by your mommy and daddy and love being told what to do by people you don't even care about every day, then I think you can do away with "high school life".</p>

<p>it shouldn't even be called living, if you ask me.</p>

<p>More freedom, more responsibilities, overall better.</p>