College Life in Utah

<p>I'm from Nevada and as of right now, unless other schools I might apply to come up, I'll be going the University of Utah next fall.
I'm not LDS and I understand from what a lot of people who LDS have told me that The U is the least Mormon school in the state, but it is still Utah of all places.
What I'm more worried about is life on campus. I'll be living in the dorms, but apparently I'll be in the minority. Only 30ish% of the freshmen class live on campus, part of about just 10% of the total student population that does.
Anybody from The U or is familiar with the school or a has had a similar situation with a school have any info/advice they'd care to share?</p>

<p>My son will be going to Utah fall 2012. Loves to freestyle ski advice on dorms?</p>

<p>my son will be in the same situation (from WA) - also a non member…waiting to hear back on the fin package…interested in input received on this topic - thx</p>