College Life... So Amazing??!!??

<p>Anybody who is attending Howard University in the fall or is currently attending Howard explain why you decided to go there and why you are still currently going there, along with any cons associated with the school.
I'm doing this because I would like more knowledge on the school that I'm going to be attending in the fall, and the students know the campus the best. So please leave some info here and it would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>Any specifics you want to know? My daughter will be starting her 2nd year there and may be able to address some of your questions.</p>

<p>Anything that can be shared that would help me get acclimated to campus quicker would be apreciated.</p>

<p>She thought the question to be very broad, but gave it a shot.</p>

<p>Why she decided to go there. She was the only Black senior in her class and had been the only one Black student since 10th grade. She likes DC. She was NAF, and as such received a Laureate Scholarship to Howard. She liked the idea of that particular HBCU. When she visited for a weekend, she enjoyed the idea of being around motivated Black students. She wanted to explore an intellectual Black culture.</p>

<p>Why she is still there. She has found like minded individuals. She has formed great relationships with instructors. She is interacting with people from diverse backgrounds - geographic, class, cultural and economic. She has friends form all over the country and all over the world. She has friends who struggle to make ends meet and friends who are quite wealthy. She is being challenged in her classes and is learning (and this is a person who learns for the sake of learning).</p>

<p>She loves the history of the University and has a chance to meet dignitaries and others who visit. She is excited about starting her 2nd year.</p>

<p>The cons - Admin can be an nightmare. She is learning to be assertive when it comes to making sure her needs are met with Administration. She was less than impressed with food service. </p>

<p>There are some leaps that need to be made from high school to college. Professors may not prod you to do your work; your syllabus may not match your lecture; your lecture may not match your reading. You and only you are responsible for you. You have to advocate for yourself.</p>

<p>Maybe this helps. </p>

<p>What are your specific concerns?</p>

<p>I don’t have any particular concerns, i just wanted some more background information from the students who are on campus everyday.</p>