<p>Hello, can anyone give me some insight or information on college life in UNC Chapel Hill and NC State? If you are a student or former student, a parent of a student, or anyone related with UNC or State can you share a little of your experience with me, how is it to study at either of these schools?
Any help will be highly appreciated
Thank you in advance. </p>
<p>They are different in that NC State has a more urban campus in downtown Raleigh. It is not super urban but it has more surrounding activity than UNC-CH which has a more traditional campusy feel. Both schools have a good reputation and strong school spirit. UNC is regarded a little more highly but it partly depends on your area of interest. For example, for engineering, I would say go with the Wolfpack.</p>
<p>@dowzerw‌ thank you for your help, I am interesting in majoring in sports management (State) or exercise and sports science (UNC). I dont really know if any of those programs is significantly better than the other, I think they are just different. </p>