Can anyone suggest some medium sized universities that are similar in vibe to WashU in STL and Harvard? These two are smaller in size, but I also really like Swarthmore and Wellesley. Looking for a college strong in both the sciences and humanities with a friendly, passionate student body. Would prefer to be in a fairly good sized city with plenty to do, yet not too big like NYC. I’m pretty liberal so would be much happier and would fit in more at a school that isn’t conservative or has too many traditional students. Not a fan of prominent or dominating Greek Life and am more into the house residential system. Also schools that give good merit aid are a plus!
Smaller but Haverford, and Bryn Mawr if you female.
Brown, Yale, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Vanderbilt, Emory, Tufts, Brandeis, Tulane, Wesleyan U.
Thanks so much @doschicos & @harvardandberkeley!
Smith! Definitely strong in both science and humanities, with a friendly, passionate, and very liberal student body. Northampton is a smaller city, but it is a happening place and there are plenty of things to do. They don’t have Greek life and they do have a house residential system that everyone seems to love.
Bryn Mawr, Agnes Scott (easy cross registration with GTech), Macalester (small but in a major city and in a really cool neighborhood with other colleges).
How about Tufts? Very friendly, strong in humanities and sciences, and close to Boston.
Before you make your list you should clarify your financial situation. If you really need financial aid (as opposed to it just being a plus) then your first step is to find out how much need-based aid you might be eligible for by using a few net price calculators. If that works, fine. If not, then you’ll have to restrict your list to schools that offer merit aid.
Many selective schools in the north east only offer need based aid. These would include Harvard, Swarthmore, Wellesley and many others suggested here.
Mount Holyoke gives good merit aid and has a lot of what you may have liked about Wellesley (beautiful campus, welcoming and supportive environment) while being more liberal.
Union College, Case Western Reserve University. Be sure to check out Union’s Minerva housing for first-years.
I second Rice. Also check University of Rochester. It offers many scholarships.
Great I will def look into all of these! Thanks so much you all! @bamboolong @midwestdad3 @yaupon @staceyneil @momrath @njmom666