<p>I am applying as an undergrad to the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign and I want to major in some form of business. My main goal is to attend grad school and pursue a career in business management. (Dream Job- Executive for a corporation, i want to be in management.) Heres the problem. I know illinois' undergrad biz program in business admin is very good, but i was thinking of majoring in economics. Is an econ major at this school looked on a highly, or must you do the business school to get any attention for jobs? </p>
<p>I want to pursue a career in management but do I have to major in biz admin? I dont necessarily want to be an economist, but can I get an econ undergrad degree and do fine in pursuing management?? PLEASE HELP, I CANT PICK A MAJOR! I JUST WANT TO KNOW HOW NECESSARY IT IS TO MY CAREER PATH THAT I MAJOR IN EXACTLY WHAT MATCHES MY JOB. WILL ECON BE JUST AS BENEFICIAL?</p>
<p>Thankksss i need the advice!</p>
<p>Go to Iowa…its Cheaper and a Better School</p>
<p>I want to know what inspires you to want to do business administration? This has nothing to do with your question, I just want to get a handle on what perceptions of this area are amongst the soon to be college students of the country.</p>
<p>Ill check it out, but any advice to my question about majors?, the school isnt really my prob. I dont knwo what the most beneficial major is.</p>
<p>Well, i cant say exactly, but i cant see myself anywhere else than leading people. I love the concepts behind business. Travelling, speaking, communicating, financial side, economics (even though its not my best subject) I really have an affinity for it. Thats why its so hard for me to choose which major. I would be happy in any of them, but i know what I want to do and im not sure which is best way to get there :)</p>
<p>please! I need help, someone respond :)</p>
<p>My advisor told me that a major doesn’t determine what you do with the rest of your life. So long as you take a bunch of courses that relate to and prepare you for your intended career, your major doesn’t really matter that much.</p>