College/Major Transfer !!

I am currently a first semester freshman Film/TV major at the University of Colorado Denver. I am hoping to transfer into a musical theatre program. The only reason I’m not a MT or acting major is because the school I am currently attending does not offer the program. My conflict is that my credits, being one gen-ed and film classes, may not transfer.

Should I locate my high school transcript for admissions, or should I wait to apply/audition until my first semester grades are published?

Should I retake my ACT to get a better score?

Also, if the only credit that transfers is my gen-ed, would I be considered a “freshman” in whichever MT program I am accepted to?


Many BFA MT and acting programs are a set 4 year curriculum and you have to “start over” and go all four years. However, you may be able to transfer some credits towards liberal arts requirements.

There are other threads on here about programs you can transfer to and not start as a freshman. Several are strong BA programs.

Some of that info may be posted on the musical theater forum.

My daughter transferred from BFA MT program to BFA MT program. Every school required her high school transcript as well as college transcript.You’re likely going to need your high school transcript regardless so I wouldn’t wait to apply.

She was considered an MT freshman but university sophomore when she started. Not every MT program makes you restart but given that you are currently a film/tv major, chances are high you’ll have to start over.

Because of application deadlines, did your daughter apply with hs transcripts as well as 1st semester college transcripts, or did she apply later?

I know that at Pace, there are often a couple of students each year who transfer in with credits from other programs. They start with what is called informally “froshmore” status – they will still have 4 years of acting classes to take, but because they have many of their general education credits out of the way, they can audition immediately for shows instead of waiting until their second semester. You will find that most performance majors have a fairly prescribed course sequence that cannot be shortened, but in some cases like this, you at least get the benefit of having semi-advanced standing in some areas.

University of Northern Colorado.