hey everyone, i have a question about a program i am in at my school. I am taking a sociology class in the College NOW program. It is a college credit class given through a local community college,but the class is taken at my high school. I am also scheduled to take a business class in this program for next semester. On my transcript the class is denoted as something like college sociology. We also get a college transcript from the community college at the end of the class. Should i explain this somewhere in my application? Im not sure if it would fit in the college creidt section of the common app since im not taking the class at the community college what would i write there?, and even if it did i wont know my grade in the course until after the application is due. Any thoughts on what i should do? Or will the colleges know what it is from the transcript? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
<p>You would be in a better postition to find out if it can be transcripted on your H.S. transcript. Since it is the colleges will see you are taking a college course (My daughtyer took college courses at NYU and it was placed on her transcript as course/NYU ) find out if it will be included in your GPA (my daughter's couse wasn't but she was given H.S. credit for the class). I believe that the course gets listed on the part of the application that asks about your current courses. Iwould not worry about getting credit becaue many colleges do not give credit for college courses taken before your were matriculated.</p>