College of Business versus College of L&S - Question for 2021

Hi: I could use some help from others. Is the College of Business harder to get into as a freshmen direct admit than the College of L&S? I’m interested in business, but if the CoB is harder, then I would likely just apply to the L&S and try to transfer into the CoB. Thanks!

Yes–very much.

Actually, I misstated my question. My correct question is: If I apply to L&S and indicate “business” as my major, do you know if my chances of gaining admission to L&S (not WSB) as are lower than if I indicated that “communications” would be my desired major? Thanks.

I would apply to the school of business right away. If you aren’t up to their standards for being admitted to the school of business directly, you will just be admitted to L&S as a pre-business major anyways (if your application is good enough to be admitted to UW-Madison as a whole). But you could also be admitted to the school of business and not have to worry about applying after your first year.

What major you apply for within L&S doesn’t matter either. The only majors that have a direct admit option are business or engineering related, but those still offer the chance to apply if you aren’t directly admitted to those. Who gets directly admitted to the business school varies. My friend had a 4.0 GPA and a 32 ACT score in state and still wasn’t directly admitted to the business school, while my other friends with lesser stats did, so it can vary a lot.

So basically, applying to the School of Business should not affect your chances of getting into UW-Madison. If your application for the Business School isn’t “good enough”, they will still admit you to L&S if you meet their normal standards of admission.

You get admitted to the university as a whole, regardless of your prospective major. Most majors and students are in L&S, the largest school/college. It is the default one for students not in another one. As above, there are currently options to apply for a direct admit to the above two, otherwise you apply after being at UW. There is a lot of flexibility in making changes while a student. However, both Business and Engineering have space limits.