College of Sci/Math Early Decision

<p>I made it!!! Chem major, suuuuuper excited! </p>

<p>Anybody else??</p>

<p>On my portal page, my “early decision” label disappeared? I don’t think I got in.</p>

<p>OMG MINE TOO =.= om i dont think i got in either then</p>

<p>Got in Kinesiology!</p>

<p>Label changed aswell. Pretty relieved though, because I was doubting going here.</p>

<p>Congratulations for everyone who got in!=) And for those who were deffered, I’m pretty sure the acceptence rate is higher for RD than it is for ED.</p>

<p>yeah got in for Bio</p>

<p>Congrats, thebeach!! My daughter applied RD to Kinesiology. Out of curiosity, can I ask what your stats are just to see if she’s “in the ball game”? I hope that applying RD won’t hurt her chances. But she had wanted to take her ACT again in late October and bring up her score. She did. Best of luck to you! </p>


<p>thebeach posted:</p>

<p>Got in Kinesiology!</p>

<p>I applied. </p>

<p>3.96 GPA
6 Honors
2 college</p>

<p>690 Math
640 Reading/ Writing
So 1970 combined or 1330. </p>

<p>Have job for 2 years. No work experience within my field. I guess some people found out for ED, but i have not received anything… I guess this means i got the axe. Wondering people who got accepted stats are. Thanks</p>

<p>Had a 4.2 CSU GPA for 10-11…All A’s in 9th grade. On a trimester system so all A’s 12th so far.
Only took ACT 25R/25E/25M/28S.
6 honors, 2 APs that count in total.
I also included non a-g classes in other…sports med, health science, human bio
Varsity field hockey, soccer, softball
Club soccer and softball
My socal HS school seems to get a lot of kids into CP.</p>

<p>Hope this helps…good luck!</p>

<p>wow. i thought my grades were on lock. good job to you. do you know of anyone else that got acepted under kinesiology? </p>

<p>Thanks for the prompt reply. it helps me understand why i did not get in.</p>

<p>Thanks, “thebeach”. That helps! Here are my daughter’s stats:</p>

<p>Major: Kinesiology–ICS Occupational Therapy concentration</p>

<p>Cal Poly GPA-- 4.27
ACT–composite 30, Math-27 English-31, but also sent her first one in, composite 28. Math-28 and English-34</p>

<p>AP History, AP Bio. AP English, AP Gov’t./ AP Econ
Honors Pre-Calculus & Triginometry at community college
Honors American Literature
Intensive humanities and math classes freshman year (Cal Poly looks at 9th grade. Not sure if it would help).
Taking Statistics at community college this semester.</p>

<p>8th grade Algebra 1–they said to include that</p>

<p>AP scores: APUSH-4 and BIO-3</p>

<p>Straight A student with the exception of one B in APUSH fall semester of junior yr.</p>

<p>President of Nat’l Honors Society. 3 year member–very active
3 year member of Key Club–very active
Very active in Concert Choir and Jazz Singers</p>

<p>ECs- Besides singing in the community and performing at competitions, volunteering through service clubs, volunteered in Guatemala summer of '08, Alzheimers care facility.
Babystting-mother’s helper, works on timing crew of 10K races (data entry, set-up and tear-down.) Her work experience is not 25% related to her major.</p>

<p>She didn’t include non-a-g classes. I hope that won’t hurt. She did take Health Education. I believe all her classes are a-g otherwise.</p>

<p>Well, all she can do is wait and see! I know they only have so many places to fill in each major. Two boys from her school just got accepted ED. And they had lower GPAs. Not sure about their test scores, though. One is majoring in Bio-Engineering.</p>

<p>Beach, how were you notified?</p>

<p>hey chem major.
GPA: 3.5
ACT: 28
SAT: 1200 (M+CR)
lots of extra curriculars; varsity cheerleading, chemistry tutor, elementary school tutor, church volunteer, leo’s club (youth community service).</p>