<p>Hi! I'm really inexperienced about scholarships and such. I would really like to apply for the College Prep Scholarship and Quest for Excellence. I know the applications start in February, but I would like to know what I am supposed to do since I've never done this before.</p>
When are the applications due?
What can I expect to have to provide when the applications open?
What kind of essays do I have to write for it?
Where do I get my high school transcript from?
What financial information do I need in order to fill out the application?
How can I make myself stand out? :)</p>
<p>I'm also especially nervous about the teacher recommendation part. I know that I have to get a teacher recommendation, but I have no clue how to ask for one! I also don't know what I'm supposed to tell the teacher and give them. :/ Any advice? </p>
<p>Any other advice that you have for me would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! :)</p>
<p>Have you been to the Questbridge website? Most of your questions are answered there.
[College</a> Prep Scholarship Overview](<a href=“http://www.questbridge.org/for-students/cps-college-prep-scholarship]College”>http://www.questbridge.org/for-students/cps-college-prep-scholarship)
Read the entire section on the CPS and then come back and ask any questions you still have or any new questions. </p>
<p>Questbridge is a fantastic organization and can help you get into an excellent college with excellent financial aid, but you will have to do your research and be pro-active. Once you’ve done some reading on your own, I’m sure you will find lots of people eager to help you move ahead with the process :)</p>
<p>Thanks for replying.
Yup, I’ve read a bunch on that website, but it doesn’t specifically say some of the information. I can’t find the kinds of essays and when the applications are due. I also don’t know where to get my high school transcript. Any information about that stuff would be greatly appreciated!</p>
<p>This is the page for CPS: [Application</a> Process & Components](<a href=“http://www.questbridge.org/for-students/cps-application-components]Application”>http://www.questbridge.org/for-students/cps-application-components). When the application opens in February you will have the essay prompts. You should talk to your college counselor about obtaining the transcript - schools do it differently. Once you have a copy, you make a digital pdf that you can submit to Questbridge (and for other scholarships and summer programs etc.)</p>
<p>Ohh, thanks so much! Can’t believe I missed that page lol. For the teacher recommendation, can I ask my band director? Or does it have to be a teacher from the core classes like math, science, etc.?</p>
<p>Pretty sure it has to be an academic class. Check the application instructions.</p>