College Reject seeks guidence

<p>Just got my ED rejection :D No more contractual obligations!</p>

<p>White Male
NYC Specialized HS
GPA: 84 (i know... /wrist)
SAT: 1990/1410
Critical: 660
Writing: 580 (epic fail lol)
History: 630
Physics: 680
Math II: 680
AP Spanish
AP Calc AB
AP Economics (Micro/Macro)
Rowing: 4 Years
Red Cross Club: 3 Years
School Mock Trial Team: 2 Year</p>

<p>I can put in other clubs that I wasn't as active in, but is bsing ECs really going to help?</p>

Internship at law office for 4 years - Overall 640+ hours
Out of school mock trial team which won National Championship 2yrs ago and 3rd place this year</p>

2 Teachers - Great (I assume)
2 Bosses from work - Great (I read them)</p>


<p>All are business schools</p>

<p>EA -
Northeastern University CBA - Any Aid + honors?
EA SUNY Binghamton SOM</p>

<p>Regular -
CUNY Baruch Honors
Fordham Business</p>

<p>I would also appreciate and suggestions on ranked B-schools. Thanks :D</p>


<p>apply to kelley at indiana university. It’s a very solid b-school…and i’m pretty sure you’d get in with your stats</p>


<p>Thanks, any chances?</p>

<p>I think you’ve got a good chance at all the schools you mentioned.</p>

<p>That said, my opinion counts for nothing.</p>

<p>thanks, anyone else?</p>

Anymore chances? Really worried ><</p>

<p>Binghamton SOM is a reach. Good luck!</p>

<p>how far of a reach? :(</p>

<p>–The final bump on my final chance thread ever–</p>